
Google Australia CEO Mel Silva caught lying defending Google and admits Google censor their search results

Google have shot themselves in the foot publishing a video with Google Australia Managing Director Mel Silva admitting Google censor their search results and lying about the proposed new media laws. Google and Facebook are at war with the Australian federal government regarding the proposed new laws forcing Google and Facebook to pay large Australian media companies for promoting links to their articles.

Its a fairly complex issue and what happens with the new laws, the proposed media bargaining code, and what the various players do will likely transform the Australian media landscape for years. 

Before watching the Google video it’s worth noting some of the background information to the video and Google’s recent threat to block searches in Australia.

I wrote an article last year on the proposed new laws titled “Rupert Murdoch’s attempt to shakedown Facebook and Google is underwritten by Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party” and not much has changed. I also wrote my own submissions for the ACCC’s enquiry (Click here to see all the submissions) and wrote another article which covered Google censoring this website and published the below video in that article which is still relevant now. (Click here to read more)

Google was caught censoring large media companies, such as The SMH and The Australian, out of search results a few weeks ago which they said was a trial. (Click here to read more) That is consistent with Google censoring my website out of many keyword search results which they have been doing since at least December last year. 

Then Google Australia Managing Director Mel Silva threatened the government last week with blocking all searchs using Google if the government implements to new media bargaining code laws. (Click here to read more)

Googles video starring Google Australia Managing Director Mel Silva

On the 22nd of January Google Australia Managing Director Mel Silva put the video on Twitter (Click here to see the full video) which is about the same time she was giving evidence at the federal government inquiry into the new media bargaining code and threatened to stop the Google search service in Australia.

I edited the below video adding some comments, but it has not been taken out of context.

I have also put the video on YouTube but it might not last there long given Google own YouTube. (Click here to see on YouTube)

In the above video I wrote:

  1. Mel Silva said that Google would have to pay “certain news companies” but later she says Google would have to pay all news companies. She needs to get her lies straight.
  2. Mel Silva says, “paying for links undermines how the web works”. That is true and companies paying Google to have links to their ads causes Google to favour those companies in search results and even block negative search results for those companies. E.g. Capilano’s fake Honey
  3. Notice how Mel Silva now says they have to pay “all coffee shops” meaning all media companies. Before it was “certain media companies”. But why does she say the friend refers you to “a few coffee shops”? Because that what Google does. They heavily censor their search results.

This is a story that has a long way to go and will likely affect everyone who uses social media so I will keep following up.

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Categories: Facebook, Google

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6 replies »

  1. I have been a computer user & maintenance tech for 38 years and as time passed there began more and more instances of nefarious activity by several services which provide connection to the internet.
    Collection of personal and private information, lies, deceit and snooping is rife among all the service providers, no matter how much they try to convince computer users that their personal data when using the internet is secure.
    Google, et al, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook and other sites are worth $$$billions, the large fine when one or another are caught selling personal data doesn’t stop them, they continue making mega-dollars.

    • Reading the newly released book
      ,”A Secret Australia” ACMA has secretly black banned about 2,400 web pages, more censorship.
      Appeasement of US

  2. I admire the Greens for suggesting an Australian public owned search engine. This whole matter is ridiculous. Our government knows citizens are fed up of selling anything and everything without our consent or permission, and so our rights to unbiased, independent and objective news!

    Our government should be making Google choose: either pay for news or pay all the millions of dollars in taxes you still owe? I wonder what Google would choose then…

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