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Election lies and foreign intervention. Who owns our politicians?

This website is focused on judicial and political corruption not the environment but the below video by Greenpeace, “Dirty Power” featuring investigative journalist Michael West, is a must watch as it exposes the power and control the mining industry has over our federal government.

The video shows the former mining industry executives who are now politicians and the former politicians who are now mining executives and it’s very disturbing and leaves the viewer with no doubt that our democracy has been highjacked by big business. And it wouldn’t be the only industry that has infiltrated the government to a similar degree.

A lot of the mining companies are foreign owned so it could be argued it is a type of backdoor foreign intervention in Australian politics.

While the video is focused on the coalition government the mining industry has a long history of also having a huge influence over the Labor Party as well.

Dirty Power: Big Coal’s network of influence over the coalition government

The below video is from The Juice Media website who have been producing a comedy series called Honest Government Ads. It’s funny and factual as well so worth watching although you mightn’t agree with everything. Be warned there is a fair bit of swearing in it.

I’m planning a trip to Canberra on Friday for a few hours to film a video for an article. If you live in Canberra and would like to help out, please email me at shanedowling @

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