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Pauline Hanson – The paid puppet in parliament for Kerry Stokes and Channel 7

Pauline Hanson has been on Channel 7’s payroll since at least September 2015. Channel 7 is controlled by the corrupt businessman Kerry Stokes who is well-known for using politicians and government employees as his personal puppets and doesn’t hesitate to bribe government officials to get his way. And it looks like Pauline Hanson has also been doing the HSU Craig Thomson and Kathy Jackson routine and using the One Nation Party’s funds as her own personal bank account.

What makes this dynamite is that the federal Senate is due to vote on planned media ownership law changes and cuts in TV license fee changes later this year which could make Kerry Stokes hundreds of millions of dollars richer or poorer depending on what the laws are and whether or not they are passed by the Senate. So having Senator Pauline Hanson and possibly 2 or 3 other One Nation Senators in the hip pocket would come in handy for Kerry Stokes to make sure laws and the currently proposed TV license fee cuts go his way.

Pauline Hanson being paid by Channel 7 and her defamation threats against journalist Mark Di Stefano is what motivated me to write this story as I know how 7 Chairman Kerry Stokes operates well given he has had a frivolous and vexatious defamation proceedings against me for over 2 years. Hanson’s defamation threats against Di Stefano last year were in relation to him asking if James Ashby is a paid employee of Hanson’s. It came to my attention in an article Mamamia wrote about Channel 7’s Sunrise program giving Hanson and her party a helping hand in getting elected with plenty of free promotion. News Corp also ran a story quoting the Di Stefano story:

Late last year, days after announcing she would run for the Senate, Hanson refused to say whether she was being paid for her public appearances.

PAULINE Hanson loves a soapbox, and breakfast hosts David Koch and Samantha Armytage wheeled one out for her routinely in the months and weeks heading into Saturday’s election.

The controversial Queenslander was not only afforded a platform for her messages but can confirm she was being paid to appear in the living rooms of Australians.

Hanson’s One Nation party secured two Senate seats in Queensland and will likely enjoy representation in NSW and Western Australia, too. But the question has to be asked about whether brekky TV gave her a leg-up.

Late last year, days after announcing she would run for the Senate, Hanson refused to say whether she was being paid for her public appearances.

“What business is it of yours or the public?” she said, when asked by Buzzfeed.

“And you know what, whether it is or not, I’m not saying whether I am (being paid) or not. I don’t see it is any of your or the public’s business whether I am paid or not. There’s a lot of appearances that I make on TV I can tell you, I don’t get paid.

“So I’m not answering your question because it’s none of your business and it’s no one’s concern about any arrangements that I may have, I’ll have you know I am possibly not getting paid for it but then again I’ll state, it’s none of your business.” (Click here to read more)

So after the defamation threats Hanson says “I’ll have you know I am possibly not getting paid for it”. This was a clear lie by Hanson. If she had nothing to hide she wouldn’t need to lie. There’s nothing voters hate more than a lying politician and Hanson should apologize fast.

After further research it becomes clear that Pauline Hanson also has many questions to answer regarding suspect financial transactions with her political party. It is obvious that Pauline Hanson is not the battler she tries to portray but likely a multi-millionaire who made her money from the taxpayers. Hanson reminds me a lot of Kathy Jackson and being caught with her hand in the cookie jar might be Hanson’s undoing as well.

The below video is an interview Today Tonight did with Pauline Hanson in 2009 and they raise the fact that Hanson withdrew $202,000 from her political party’s bank account and put it an account controlled by her and a friend. Other financial discrepancies were also put to Hanson regarding the millions of dollars that have been paid by the taxpayer to her party which she refused to answer. Hanson did what any fraudster or thief would do in a situation like that, she started crying. The crying game is an old routine to try to avoid answering questions. It reminded me a lot of Craig Thomson‘s fake crying in parliament in 2012.


In the video Hanson says she is treated different by the media than every other candidate that stands. She refuses to answer questions and says that the journalist should go and ask what the major parties have done with their money. Well the media have been asking the major parties questions of late and the major parties have been involved in fraud, theft and at times have also refused to answer questions.

There are a lot of reasons why people voted for Pauline Hanson and her Party but two key ones are voters are sick of the main parties being on the payroll of big business and main parties committing fraud, theft and stealing from taxpayers via their various slush funds and then laundering the money back into their Party’s bank accounts. I wrote about this on the 11th of June in an article titled “How the Liberal Party and Labor Party steal from taxpayers and launder the money“. (Click here to read the article)

As the evidence above suggests it looks like Pauline Hanson has had her snout in the taxpayer’s trough for about 20 years and is no better than the Liberal Party and Labor Party when it comes to accountability, fraud and theft.

Kerry Stokes puppet – On the corporate payroll just like other politicians – Has an agent called Max Markson

Every other politician would be crucified for being paid for interviews just before an election yet Pauline Hanson thinks it is OK. Even worse, she gets caught out lying about it. The money is also coming from Kerry Stokes who will be expecting a return on his investment.

In 2010 Kerry Stokes engineered what Tony Abbott dubbed the “2010 election year bribe” whereby after a secret meeting with the then Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy TV licence fees were cut by hundreds of millions of dollars. Senator Conroy couldn’t explain or justify it. I wrote an article in 2013 when Stokes lined up another election year bribe titled Kerry Stokes, Australia’s number one perjurer, also becomes the number one bribe taker if new media laws passed.

The point about the “2010 election year bribe” is that it shows how Kerry Stokes expects politicians like Senator Conroy to do what they are told (probably after being bribed). Kerry Stokes will also be expecting Senator Pauline Hanson to do what she is told given she is on his payroll and his television network gave her free publicity to help her get elected. It is guaranteed later this year when the Senate votes on the new media laws and reductions in TV license fees Kerry Stokes or his staff will be on the phone telling Pauline Hanson how to vote.

Pauline Hanson also has an agent called Max Markson to make sure she profits as much as possible from her political enterprise. How many other politicians have agents?

Pauline Hanson – The six-million-dollar lady – Career politician for the last 20 years

Pauline Hanson has in effect been a paid politician in Australia since she was first elected in 1996. She might have left federal parliament in 1998 but she has run for parliament many times since and gets paid for every vote she gets as long she gets over 4% of the primary vote. The estimates are different but the SMH ran an article a few days ago saying it was over $6 million paid to her party since 1996 plus another $1.2 million for this election. (Click  here to read more)

She’s now contested state or federal elections in 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2016. (Click here to read more)

The $1.2 million for this election means she and/or her party will profit $800,000 as her spokesperson James Ashby said:

“I think roughly we spent around $300- $400,000 all up…but that money largely came from mum and dad donors,” James Ashby told, adding that Ms Hanson herself put up “the major part of that money”. (Click here to read moreAshby seems to contradict himself because I do not know how it can “largely” come from mum and dad donors and also Hanson put up “the major part of the money“.


Pauline Hanson has made some simple mistakes before she has even been elected with the first being she has already been caught out lying, being deceptive and deceitful and probably committing fraud and theft. Every lie Pauline Hanson tells will damage her reputation more.

I can understand why a lot of people who have been left high and dry by the major parties would vote for Hanson but Pauline Hanson’s claim she is not like the major parties is being proven more untrue by the day.

Hanson has no choice but to come clean with her Party’s finances and say what she has or hasn’t done and Hanson and her party really have no choice but to abstain from voting in the Senate regarding any new media laws or TV licence fee cuts although I doubt she will. Pauline Hanson needs to employ better advisors than James Ashby otherwise she will only last until the next election like last time and her party will self explode like the Palmer United Party.

This website has a focus on corruption not the social and political issues and policies that Pauline Hanson and One Nation are best known for and that is why I have not raised them. Also if I mentioned them they would take the focus off the corruption issues that I have reported above which need a light shone on them.

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