
Donald Trump and the White House leak more than Julian Assange and WikiLeaks

With the US still threatening Julian Assange and WikiLeaks his problems have not disappeared now that Sweden have dropped the rape investigation but it has changed the dynamics of the battle in a substantial way. A major focus should now turn to how the law and the courts were abused in a number of countries to try to silence a whistleblower.

A massive problem for the United States in their pursuit of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is that the US government, under the leadership of President Donald Trump, is now leaking far more classified information than WikiLeaks has ever done. The leaks are that bad it has become like watching a poorly scripted comedy show. So how will the US justify the time and energy chasing a whistleblower when national security leaks are coming from the White House on a daily basis?

Sweden drop the investigation into Julia Assange

Sweden dropping the rape investigation is no surprise to anyone who has followed the matter. The conduct of the Swedish authorities is something that needs investigating because they took seven years when it was something that could have been dealt with in a matter of weeks if not months. Assange hasn’t been cleared but if the prosecutors had such a strong case why wasn’t he ever charged?

The Australian government have known the facts since 2011 when Julian Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson submitted a brief for federal politicians in March 2011. (Click here to read more) So questions need to be asked of the Australian government as well.

Below is Julian Assange giving a speech after Sweden announced they had dropped the investigation


United States still chasing Julian Assange and Wikileaks

How can anyone in the US government keep a straight face attacking WikiLeaks and Julian Assange over leaks when the American government and the White House are leaking like a sieve. Below are just a couple of examples:

The former FBI director James Comey is to testify in front of cameras following his shock sacking, it has been announced, as a series of damaging revelations pile further pressure on the embattled US president, Donald Trump.

Comey, who was sacked by Trump on 9 May in the midst of an investigation into the president’s links to Russia, is to give evidence in an open hearing of the Senate intelligence committee at some point after US Memorial Day on 29 May, the committee announced on Friday.

The announcement came as the Washington Post reported that a White House official had been identified as a “significant person of interest” by the law enforcement investigation into links between Russia and the Trump election campaign.

And the New York Times, quoting a US official, reported that Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing Comey had relieved “great pressure” on him, as he labelled the former FBI chief a “real nut job”. The president’s spokesman did not deny the report, but said Comey had made it harder for the US to engage with Russia. (Click here to read more)

So who leaked that Donald Trump called the former FBI chief a “real nut job” and who leaked that “a White House official had been identified as a “significant person of interest” by the law enforcement investigation”.

It has now been leaked that “Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has reportedly been identified as a “person of interest” in the ongoing investigation into possible ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign. (Click here to read more) The leaks just keep on coming.

And who can forget the leaking of the “robust”, “contentious” and “hostile” phone call between President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

With leaks flying all over the place from the American government any attack on Assange and WikiLeaks will do damage to the credibility of the American government. And with Donald Trump’s government under investigation from numerous government body’s will they have time to worry about WikiLeaks and Assange.

When whistleblowers win we all win

With Julian Assange dodging one bullet it means the focus will now turn who, when and why he was put in that position. The people who are responsible will now need to be held accountable and the spotlight will be put on them. When that happens, it sends a message to all corrupt government officials that if you try to bastardize a whistleblower the tables could be turned and your corrupt conduct could bring you down.

As it stands the judicial systems in Sweden and the UK are looking grossly incompetent at best and very corrupt at worst and it is their attacks on Julian Assange that has helped put a spotlight on it. You can’t stop whistleblowers who have no fear. It doesn’t matter whether you like or dislike Julian Assange you should respect the fact that he has stood his ground and fought for what he believes in for a long time and has had a win. And it’s a win we can all learn from. 

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12 replies »

  1. Sad to see you joining the conspiracy mob suggesting that Trumps people colluded with Russia in defeating Hillary. There may well have been false news put out on both sides during the election but if the populous is that dumb that they cannot discern between the scuttlebutt and the real issues facing the country and who should best lead their nation, well tough.
    It is pretty much the same here in Australia where 90% of the population is politically, economically ignorant.
    There is an excellent letter by Alec Piper from Bunbury in WA in this weekends Australian under the heading “Draining the swamp not so easy” which asserts I believe correctly, that making the decision to share certain intelligence is the the prerogative of the the Commander In Chief as is changing top admin people.

    • Assuming that false news was openly published by Trump’s ‘people’ and Russia’s ‘people’? during the last election in America is baseless, and as the facts are unknown by the general population around the world it is a worthless point for comment.
      Without the facts of what ‘is pretty much the same’ then ‘pretty much’, which means ‘very nearly’, indicates that there may be a similarity in assumptions that Australian politicians conspire with Russian politicians during periods of elections.
      This leads to wondering from where the amount of 90% of Australians is derived because only an unknown number of Australians are politically and/or economically ignorant, which should not be mistaken for the large volume of mistrust of politicians in our society at present
      Some of the ignorance is also possible due to many other factors, ethnicity, below voting age, refusing to vote or voting in a derogatory manner due to Australia’s law of compulsory voting which not required in America, Britain, New Zealand and other countries.
      We have many problems in Australia at present within our political and judicial system and Julian Assange type whistleblower publicity and similar affects all Australians and Australia’s political situation, this is due being part of the political web which joins us to America, Britain, New Zealand, Russia and other countries, and that web is entangled within the web of the United Nations.

      • The ignorance of Australians is due to square eyes.


        I pay the fine for not reporting to a voting booth and why not with Shorten being a known rapist and Turnbull a crook and moron in the first degree.

    • Quote, “Sad to see you joining the conspiracy mob suggesting that Trumps people colluded with Russia in defeating Hillary.” Unquote.
      HUH ???? Bugger, I’ve read the article twice now, and blow me, I cant find any reference at all the claims this statement was made within the article.
      Is this a case of the poster inserting his/her own beliefs into the discussion ????????

      • Yep fair point Mia culpa, probably jumped too quick being sensitive to the daily ‘here is today’s latest incriminating news on Trump’ on the ABC, Fairfax and fellow travellers.
        I stand by my 90 % point though.

  2. Long live the whistle blowers,as a necessary part of any healthy Institution.

    Imagine iI such. people existed in the Church, and they had the courage
    Speak before the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse !

    But alas not one is on record of any real consequence !

    My sincere prayer is these same whistle blowers of truth and justice,
    will come forth on behalf of the ‘ alledged ‘ atrocities,
    that have hounded George Pell’s illustrustious personal and professional career.

    Biblically Speaking a whistle blower was called a Prophet.
    What will it take, and how long will this cherade go on,
    for truth and justice to be done and seen to be done?
    How is it that our Prophets are so decisively muted with the likes of Pell?
    A true Prophet serves the God of Truth, not the transeit fobles of Empire builders

  3. Assange may well be innocent of the rape charge but he has already served a longer sentence than he would have got if guilty, albeit in a better place than a Swedish prison. There needs to be a defining line drawn between Whistleblowers and Leakers!

  4. Generally, people are gutless. When a whistleblower puts his or.her career on the line in the interest of making the world a better place, and those exposed put pressure on them to make their lives hell. who steps up to offer support? If you go to Whistleblowers Australia journal, the Whistle, and compare the changes to WB protection over twenty years, you will find little has changed.

  5. I clearly remember viewing a TV documentary several years ago explaining how Julian Assange’s sexual encounters with women A and B came under police scrutiny in Sweden. Obviously, these events predate the Jenifer Robinson brief to Australian politicians of March 2011.
    My recollections are that the women A and B were in personal conversation when each other’s “unprotected” sexual encounters with JA came to light. From this they both agreed that unprotected sex with a person who apparently slept around could be a means of their contracting STD. Both women decided to go to the police seeking JA to be compulsorily tested for HIV and STD in order to relieve them of concerns for their own medical condition.
    When they approached the Swedish police, it seems that they were verballed and railroaded into to making complaints above and beyond their initial concern.

    Whereas I have many reservations about Julian Assange’s private and professional conduct, that does not in any way mitigate the hypocrisy and sleaze of some international law enforcement agencies.

    When law enforcement agencies go after whistle blowers, they often shoot them selves in the foot as is amply shown with the ongoing sage of Kevin Lindeberg and his pursuit of the Heiner Affair here in Australia.

  6. Re A.H. van Herp (above who objects to compulsory voting):

    Past senator Nick Minchin of SA wrote a magnificent four or five page dissertation:

    “Compulsory Voting; A denial of rights, a detriment to democracy” in THE PARLIAMENTARIAN – issue JULY 1996 pp244/248:

    Compulsory voting does not address the problem of voter apathy, it exacerbates it and damages the political process in other ways as well, argues an Australian Senator.

    Nick Minchin gave a very fair and evenhanded explanation of the arguments for voluntary voting and systematically countered the points favouring compulsory voting.
    At that time in 1996, something like half a dozen countries in the “developed” world engaged in compulsory voting, – now here in Tasmania there is a push on to extend compulsion to Local Government elections.
    I think Belgium in the EEC and Australia in the British Commonwealth were in the minority.

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