Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard caught lying on the public record in 2007 about the Bruce Wilson AWU fraud scandal.

Evidence that has come to light in the last few days clearly shows Julia Gillard lied on the public record in an interview she did in 2007. The evidence shows Julia Gillard has given three different reasons why she set up an association that was used by Bruce Wilson and Ralph Blewitt to funnel fraudulently gained money through. If you are new to the story click here for a previous post that gives you the background.

The three different reasons Julia Gillard gave have come from three different sources. 1. Hedley Thomas from The Australian who did an interview with former Slater & Gordon partner Nick Styant-Browne in the last few days. 2. Mike Smith who has a copy of the form used to set up the Australian Workers Union Workplace Reform Association which was used to funnel the money through., which he says most likely has Julia Gillard’s hand writing on it. 3. The interview Glenn Milne did with Julia Gillard which was published on the November 11, 2007 in The Telegraph.

Nick Styant-Browne investigation into Julia Gillard – 1995

Former Slater & Gordon partner Nick Styant-Browne says that in an interview that was set up by Slater and Gordon in 1995 to investigate the fraud which was recorded and transcribed that Julia Gillard said that she “understood the purpose of the association was to hold re-election funds for  union officials – she stated it was referred to as a re-election fund or slush fund”. (Click here to read)

Mike Smith

Mike Smith did an interview with Ben Fordham on radio station 2gb on Monday and stated that he has a copy of the original form used to set up the Australian Workers Union Workplace Reform Association. He said words to the effect that he has had a hand writing expert look at it and it is highly likely that is has Julia Gillard’s hand writing on it and the reason for setting up the association says on the form  “development of changes to work to achieve safe workplaces”. The interview goes into a lot more detail and is well worth a listen. (Click here to listen to the interview)

To see the handwriting on the 2gb website click here.

Mike Smith in the interview on 2gb pointed out there was a conflict in what the form says and what Julia Gillard said to Nick Styant-Browne in 1995. Once I heard that I realised it also conflicted with what Julia Gillard told Glenn Milne in 2007.

Glenn Milne interview with Julia Gillard – 2007

In November 2007 Glenn Milne interviewed Julia Gillard just before the federal election which was held on the 24 November 2007.

In that interview it says “As a solicitor acting on instructions, she set up an association later used by
her lover to defraud the Australian Workers Union (AWU). But she has strenuously denied ever knowing what the association’s bank accounts were used for.” (Click here to read more)

The obvious problem is Julia Gillard has said on the application form with her likely hand writing on it that the association was for “development of changes to work to achieve safe workplaces”, she told Nick Styant-Browne that she “understood the purpose of the association was to hold re-election funds for  union officials – she stated it was referred to as a re-election fund or slush fund” and she told Glenn Milne “she has strenuously denied ever knowing what the association’s bank accounts were used for.” Three different times, three different answers!

The main defence that Julia Gillard has been using is that it happened 17 years ago and she will not comment. The problem here is the interview with Glenn Milne happened only five years ago and the 17 years ago argument has always been a joke anyhow as there is no time statute for investigating crimes. Police set up task forces all the time to investigate old unsolved crimes. But even if you do agree with the it’s to old excuse because it happened 17 years ago, that does not cover the PM lying on the public record 5 years ago.

Is Julia Gillard going to say she lied 5 years ago and therefore does not have to answer why she lied? This is the point the MSM should drive when Gillard says it happened 17 years ago. They should respond with: What about 5 years ago and what you said then, is that too old?

The media coverage is starting to move fast. Other updates are below.

Michael Pascoe of the SMH did a story on Monday titled “Larry Pickering – the conman stalking Gillard” (Click here to read) in which he references and links to the post that I did on Sunday “Larry Pickering who ripped off $15million in a betting software scam claims to be investigating Julia Gillard for the AWU fraud scam.”

Pickering’s outing as a crook was always going to happen as he is well-known for being a con man which my story and Pascoe’s point out. Better now than later.

Michael Smith also on Monday did a video interview in which he also has a swipe at Larry Pickering. (Click here to watch)

Julia Gillard and Paul Howes as you can see by the tweets below have already been trying to use Pickering as an excuse as why they do not have to respond. Now that he has been outed and as more evidence comes to hand in relation to Gillard’s involvement in the fraud and the fraud in general it makes it a lot harder for them to use Pickering as an excuse as why they should not respond to questions.


20 AugPaul HowesPaul Howes‏@howespaul

Michael Pascoe provides the answer to why I won’t respond to all the crazy twitter stalkers at the moment http://www.smh.com.au/business/larry-pickering–the-conman-stalking-gillard-20120820-24hxi.html

15hShane DowlingShane Dowling‏@Kangaroo_Court

@howespaul OK THEN. Can you please tell us why Bill Ludwig was allowed to rip off $50k from AWU to pay for his own legal expenses? #auspol

For some unexplained reason I never received a response from Mr Howes to the tweet above. Maybe one is in the mail.

Andrew Bolt has a current picture of Bruce Wilson on his Blog (Click her to see)

Justice Bernard Murphy who worked with Julia Gillard at Slater and Gordon has denied any wrong doing when he was at Slater and Gordon in an interview with The Herald Sun today (Click here to read)

I wrote a post on Murphy’s appointment in October last year titled “Julia Gillard appoints Bernard Murphy, her partner in crime from Slater and Gordon Lawyers, as a Federal Court of Australia judge.” (Click here to read)

Further updates will be added to the dedicated page that I have set up for this matter titled “Julia Gillard / Bruce Wilson – AWU Fraud Page” which is on the menu bar at the top of this page.

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182 replies »

  1. So all it goes to prove is that Gillard is a pathological liar- we already know that (There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead.)
    Its just gone beyond the broken political promise, to be a serious character flaw.
    The question therefore should be asked- what else has she said thats a lie? Only Gillard knows.

  2. Its hardly a surprise she lied 17, 5 or whatever years ago – after she lied about amongst othe things, the Carbon Tax and that’s only 3 years ago. Are there any consequences for her personally from that little number, yet? No, none whatever. So she is established as a liar of some repute without even bothering to mention stuff from the 1990’s – a liar is a liar, period, and our PM is a liar – end of story. ( Not that she’s Robinson Crusoe on that front!)

  3. [quote]The Prime Minister took aim at news coverage of her personal life and blasted internet blogs for their “gender-based” attacks on her leadership, amid increasing scrutiny of her link to a disgraced union official and her departure from Slater & Gordon in the mid-1990s.[/quote]
    Gender-biased attack? Wrong yet again Gillard.
    Firstly, there’s been the same, relentless attack on Craig Thompson for similar reasons- he’s male.
    Secondly, if there is anything gender related here,its because of the possibility that Gillard used “feminine politics” to advance her standing with the AWU and its associates. Would the issue of the possible use of ill-gotten funds to finance house renovations happened if a male solicitor had been looking after Wilson’s case?
    Would the possibility of Wilson allowing trust money to be allegedly spent on a new wardrobe of clothes happened if Gillard were a male?
    I contend that the PM was not averse to using her gender to advance herself to the position she holds, which means its fair game should that be turned against her. As you live so shall you die.

  4. I think we have a matched pair in the shape of Craig Thompson and Julia Gillard. Lets see how it all pans out. Allan Usherwood Myalup.






    • Please keep comments on topic. Off topic comments undermine the comment section which is a problem most sites have. If they are way off topic I will delete them. Have a look around this site as there may be other posts that are on topic for your comment.

  6. i don’t just single gillard out on her own i think all the front bench of this labor government carry some excess baggage being all union officials at some time of there career otherwise where would they get their money for there election campaigns.She has lost all creditability with the Australian people and the only way she will pull on some heartstrings with the people is to brandish tony Abbott as a women hater as some of her estimated colleges have stated maybe Tanya Plibersek should look into her husbands dealings before she married him and roxon don’t get me started.

    • me neither – don’t get me started – the whole issue is a disgrace – no doubt the Labour Party and their bed partner the Unions will be spending their time at the moment looking for ways to discredit Tony Abbott – hey! at least union funds will be safe for a moment! Those folks couldn’t do two things at once!!

  7. Have I got this right? Julia, as a partner in S and G does not open a file for the client? Anyone else would be up before the Legal Services Commissioner …




  9. Hi Shane…In Mr Bolts article today…THE AWU SCANDAL:What Gillards 1995 interview reveals…there is an update that states…

    ” Why a Labor lawyer goes rogue? Ask his nephew’s de facto sister-in-law? Crikey, yesterday:

    NOW, a tip-off … Nick Styant-Browne’s brother is Tony Styant-Browne, Tony’s son is Oliver Styant-Browne, Oliver’s partner is Kylie Moreland, and Kylie’s sister is Helen Moreland. Helen Moreland is Abbott’s social policy adviser. So Nick Styant-Browne’s nephew’s de facto sister-in-law works for Abbott.

    More at that link, including a hint at a story very, very few are game to go near. ”

    ..@ that last sentence…would you know what that refers to? It is too difficult to get answers from his blogsite as there are difficulties with Moderators etc. and so I thought maybe you might know what is being referred to here?

  10. So, with the Attorney General being Gillard opportunist and with senior court figures being Gillard appointees, who can grant immunity to Blewitt? Clearly, there was a crime. Clearly Blewitt knows details as he said there were sham transactions. Gillard says she did nothing wrong and wants the case closed as too old. But what kind of Prime Minister refuses to hear a witness make a statement crucial in solving a massive fraud case? The kind that was involved in the case, one would conclude. If not, Gillard should be the initiator of this immunity. Do we have to put up with Gillard most of all? Can people who enever elected her get organised and demand investigation or re-election?

  11. What strikes me is the way that the PM keeps saying “I have done nothing wrong.”
    I will give her the benefit of the doubt over any knowledge of the use of funds to finance the purchase of a house etc.
    HOWEVER, it seems she set up an account (with no knowledge or authorisation from the AWU), with the written purpose of the money being used to help workers in work safety matters, YET she said under interrogation in the 1995 interview, that it was for a “slush fund”, to help with her boyfriend-at-the-time’s re-election costs.
    Could it be, that such “wink wink/nudge nudge processes are so common and accepted in the Trade Union movement that Ms Gillard honestly thinks, that in this respect, “she had done nothing wrong”?

    • I have given her the benefit of doubt right from the start. I was sure she would make a statement to ease all of our minds. She could have backed everything up with documents if needed. The way she behaved though was that made me suspicious. More and more evidence came to light and now we know there is a problem. We are talking about the TOP JOB here. She is not selling fish and chips. Leave everything else aside there is still the very serious question….
      how will she ever tackle all the corruption going on in the unions if she herself was part of it once. This is serious I reckon. Look what happened with Thompson and I don’t want to change the subject. But would you now after knowing all of this suspect there would be a different outcome?
      The Greens of course are backing her as well and it is all over ABC Radio here
      IT IS A STORM IN A TEA CUP! they say.
      If you have all the facts right from the start you cannot back her.
      If it was Abbott I would say the exact same thing.

      • no, not selling fish and chips! (know what you are referring to) But Wilson is flipping hamburgers – oh, I forgot, JG was naive and innocent – one has to wonder why she is now PM and Wilson is flipping hamburgers???? Come on everyone – union slush funds gone from the account – such funds apparently banked from Wilson extracting from building sites as we are told – who has paid those building contractors back – who is going to pay back the millions from the recent Health Union disclosure – please, come on workers, face the facts that your unions are not all they should be

    • I think this comment is getting to the heart of the problem here. She most likely does sincerely believe her lies that she did nothing wrong because, this kind of thing is standard operating procedure for Union persons. A person is most convincing in lying if they really believe the lie – good one margymay!

    • Perhaps if you are employed by a firm known to deal mainly with UNION cases, and Union people, where it is known that crimes are common, the nudge, nudge, wink, wink, attitude is standard practice between employees, and Gillard did not expect to be caught out?

      • Pat – sadly in the Union world, such behaviour does seem to be “standard practice” (or “standard operating procedure” in the words of Jeff Brooks).
        It strikes me as strange that the S&G Partners interrogating Ms Gillard did not seem to further question her when she said that that the Association she set up was for a “slush fund” for the purposes of financing the re-election of Wilson when they must have seen that it was registered as being for the purposes of furthering the cause of AWU member’s workplace.safety.

    • Margymay – You have a very valid point there. Gillard is on the record as saying Bob Hawke is her “role model” and was “the gold standard” for leading the country. This union corruption and thuggery didn’t start and end with the likes of Wilson, Thomson or Williamson – it’s the way they’ve all been “taking care of business” for a very long time.

      As for Gillard being caught out lying on the public record – it is merely the latest indicator of her complete lack of any ethical or moral compass whatsoever.

      Not only did she begin an intimate relationship with a representative of her law firm’s major client, the AWU, she also had a similar relationship with her shadow cabinet colleague Emerson ten years ago who, like Wilson, was a married man with young children. Emerson is today one of her most vocal defenders, hardly surprising as he is one of her appointed Cabinet Ministers.

      This gives “jobs for the boyz” a whole new slant.

      While her toady girlie acolytes have this week claimed she is being discriminated against because she is a woman – no girls, not because she is a woman – it’s because she is morally bankrupt, a proven liar and a fraud. It’s not discrimination – it’s called accountability.

  12. What I find most frustrating between the AWU mess and the one at the HSU is that in both cases nobody has been held to account and all monies misappropriated have been kept by those doing the dirty deeds.

    Shane, what are the chances that enough pressure can be put on Howes to open up the books?

      • SHANE,


  13. And where are the screams from the AWU members whose membership fees were “stolen’ by these Union heavies. These workers had deductions taken from their pay packets week in week out for many years to be represented by their union delegates & these funds were put into so-called “slush funds”. It was then misappropriated to purchase personal properties, in brothels, personal expenses on union credit cards, private house renovations, bribes, etc.,etc., etc. Why aren’t we hearing from the members themselves.
    Surely they feel betrayed in a big way, that they are the “suckers’ in this whole affair ?

    • Excellent point. I saw on the news the nsw ambo’s just registered a new union for them alone – so the writing is on the wall for the HSU. I reckon this will become the pattern so long as this ghastly woman and her satraps stay on the scene. We don’t hear from ordinary members as they are not prone to grandstanding – unlike their parasite leaders. But they will act and are acting by voting with their feet. This boil will, in time – its now bursting – lead to a much better future for unions and their members.

    • Best thing for Union members to do is resign from their union in protest! I was burnt by the AWU a few years back by a official from Griffith. I would love to see a royal commission where I can have my real day in court! the shows NOT over Big Ferlla!

    • I thought her boyfriend lodged in “The Lodge” was the bankrupt?? Correct me if I am incorrect – I heard Wilson was a married man when he was JG’s boyfriend – please correct me if I am incorrect – I heard JG was unemployed for 6 months until Victorian Labour Premier gave her a job, and I further heard the job he gave her was not Government Gazetted – Brumby just “found” a position for her at the expense of the Victorian Taxpayer’s money, putting this State again, under a Labour Government into Billions of Dollars of Debt as did Cain (only in his era, Millions of dollars of debt with Joan finished off) please tell me again if I am incorrect – thanks

  14. I cannot believe that Gillard’s supporters can still not see this woman for what she is! How many lies does she have to cover up before she lucks out – I’ve certainly lost count of the pathetic excuses and repetitive slurs on Tony Abbott every time she’s called on to “Please explain!” Horrible, nasty, vindictive, evil, and more!

  15. One point about the (lack of) MSM coverage worth noting (I think) that might account for the refusal to engage by some “Liberal-type” commentators is that they don’t want rid of Gillard whom they already perceive as being dead in the water election-wise. A revitalised Labor under born-again Rudd might prove more difficult for them.

  16. Fidopuss, unless they are all insane, her Ministers know the true story. Labor supporters of Gillard can’t be too bright or they condone criminal activity as long as it’s not the opposition doing anything wrong. If this was the average citizen, they would be called to assist the Police in a matter of FRAUD. But if you have the Legal fraternity in your pocket and taxpayers money to use….no problem! She appointed the Attorney General from her own staff, and Justice Murphy, her old workmate, to the Federal Court, AND she has the Fairfax press under control! She has “done nothing wrong”???? What a set up!

    • Pat, Paul Howes has only one thing in mind, and that is tap dancing around this issue so that his chances of becoming PM do not diminish. Unfortunately for Paul, heading for the shredder will do him more harm than good as there is clearly too much information out there already. Queenmaker for one day, maybe feather duster the next?

      I know we are all extremely angry with the whole AWU saga, and all the Gillard/Rudd stuff-ups that we’ve had to endure, however I believe there is a silver lining in all of this. Never in my life have I engaged in the politics of the day as I have in the past 2 years. It is blogs like this that have dragged me (and probably most of my fellow contributors) from my lethargy. I’ve always known that the MSM was pink, however I never realised the deepness of the colour. I’ve always known that the labor/union movement has had its problems with corruption, however I never realised the cancer of their corruption could be terminal.

      The silver lining is that blogs like this are extremely informative, and give us greater choice, and a voice. And no matter how small we might feel in the total scheme of things, we can switch off from the corrupted MSM and listen to the opinions of others. And when we want to be heard, we can have our say.

      I note that parts of the MSM have been very critical of, and their comments quite insulting towards the ‘blogosphere’. I can only assume that they are under a lot of pressure with lost audience and readership. Or is that their collective ego has been pricked, as it must be quite frightening for them to accept that the general public can have opinions too?

      In the haze that is our political predicament, and the exposure of the media love affair with Labor, and particularly Gillard, the pressure on the MSM must be so great that they fail to see that technology is adapting to the way people want to be informed.


      • absolutely spot on mike.

        these issues have opened the eyes of many people, and galvanized them into action. like i have said in the past, juliar has been instrumental in this so our history will probably show that she at least achieved one positive thing for australia (but destroyed everything else she touched) in that people are taking more interest in corruption (ie politics, unions, big business, the media and the legal system) and the strong ties between them all.

        i very rarely even watch the nightly news any more. haven’t read a newspaper for years (but for “amusement” only) and most online news eg yahoo is just garbage. i think the main stream media is just part of the criminal enterprise telling us golly gosh stories and diversions. they don’t report REAL or ACCURATE news which is important to us. i get all my news from sites like this. but this is good because the MSM is effectively killing itself. good riddance to them.

  17. Pat
    Remember, Labor caucus consists mainly of ex-union heavies and their Labor lawyer mates. Blow the top off this and they all go down.

  18. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a reply from Howes Shane. He’s on record saying he was holed up in his study for days trying to pen a letter to Rudd to tell him he hated his guts and a list of the reasons why. If anyone reading this knows Paul please take him a tray of food, a fresh pee bucket, and crack the window. The poor love must be stressed to the max now he has to try to text a reply to Shane while fearing being held to account for killing off Rudd and sticking us with Gillard.

    I’m surprised no mention is ever made that Gillard (allegedly. I don’t want to be sued) filed the registration of this association in WA when the WA INC Royal Commission was underway.

    To believe Wilson was fortunate enough to find the only lawyer in Australia that was unaware a huge corruption scandal had come to light and was under investigation in WA at that time is a gigantic ask.

    I’m inclined to believe Gillard was aware and unconcerned. Accepting this was the way these people did business and willing to participate.

    Not the sterling character required in a lawyer of merit. Nor the sterling character required in our PM.

  19. This whole thing will unravell and the people of Australia will see what these union thugs have been up to for years.

    Unfortunatly, most peope are just getting on with their lives and stupidly vote for the bloke they like, pathectic, these union thugs know this, they also no truth will out but it will be forgot in a short time.

    Labor could well win the next election becuase so many people have been bought, Gillard is gone its just a matter of time but there are plenty as corrupt waiting their turn.

    If Abbot gets in he must have a royal commision into the unions and get them to regiseter with ASIC and do tax returns, if they have nothing to hide they have nothing to fear.

    Gillard has been very clever installing all of her mates in the top jobs, even the GG is a Gillard stooge, so we just have to sit and wait another year or so unless the great work people like you Shane and the others undo her sooner, please lets hope it happens soon.

  20. julia Gillard says on the one hand that she “was shabbily treated” by Slater and Gordon when she was asked for her resignation, and in the next breath says she resigned of her own volition. She can’t have it both ways. Which statement is the lie?

  21. This story is highlighting the pitiful state of journalism in this country. Laurie Oakes, Barry Cassidy, everyone at the ABC, everyone at Fairfax, you’re all irrelevant, you’re all obsolete. We have The Australian, we have the blogosphere, you no longer serve any useful purpose, please give up and go home…

    • Personally, I would refuse to dig up dirt on anyone. I bet there is no job description in the Commonwealth (outside ASIO or the AFP) that includes muckraking.

  22. Shane. A huge point that everyone seems to have overlooked is that Gillard lost Slater & Gordon the AWU account which more than likely was one of their most lucrative clients. One can understand why her partners were so p….off! But wait, there’s more. In her interview by the partners, Gillard said “that she did all the work on the file for the association, and did not get advice from anyone else in the firm in relation to any of the matters”. Another lie, considering the following information?

    Peter Gordon in his draft statement stated “Mr.Murphy and Ms.Gillard acted for the Victorian state branch of the AWU from 1991-92 until 1995 and also for two of its officials, Mr.Bruce Wilson and Mr. Ralph Blewitt.”

    Gordon also stated “It was appropriate and necessary that S & G reviewed these serious matters when they were brought to our attention, including by discussing them with the relevant lawyers”. (Note the plural)! “and we did so. It is hardly surprising the revelations generated some angst between the industrial partners of the firm responsible for the files and the other partners.” The firm’s partners “were less than thrilled with how relations with Bernard Murphy and Julia Gillard had deteriorated”.

    Murphy and Gillard both left the firm after the internal probe,into the Gillard/Wilson/AWU matter which was held after tensions had already been high with Murphy previously following his handling of the Harris-Smith defamation case.

    Murphy took up a senior position at another firm (Maurice Blackburn) and that’s where the AWU account lost by S & G because of Gillard, followed!

    That raises another interesting point. Remember Ian Cambridge as Secretary had the fraudulent bank accounts he’d discovered frozen for further investigation but was amazed when he found someone at Maurice Blackburn had them released and several payouts made which Cambridge felt were inappropriate.? The question is, who authorised the unfreezing and payments and why would they do so when the frauds had obviously not been fullly investigated?

    • Extraordinary stuff hillbilly33! The picture puzzle is quickly coming into focus. A spiders web has nothing on this. If this is the tip of the iceberg then how much is there that we don’t know about? Mind boggling stuff. We definitely need a Royal Commission.

    • Thanks Billy, you are certainly bringing the whole grubby picture into clear focus. As Murphy is the person who first introduced her to S&G, we can only surmise just how ‘grateful’ she was to him and, given her track record, anything is possible.

      When the Libs are voted into office, will they launch an investigation into ALL the appointments Gillard has made to her cronies? Howes has said this week that as an officer for Fair Work he is no longer able to comment. How many other appointments have been made to silence anyone whose testimony could bring her down and reveal the true extent of the long-standing corruption within the Labor/Union movement?

      This saga is certainly revealing the fact that they ALL have a price. So do street hookers – it’s just a question of ‘how much’? At least street hookers aren’t masquerading as anything else.

      • BLACKSWAN,

  23. The people I feel sorry for in this saga are Gillards parents. Two years ago they stood in front of the TV cameras, proud of their daughter. Since then they have progressively found out that their daughter is a bit light on when it comes to morals and ethical behaviour. Today they probably want to curl up and die.

    • Sorry Bazza, but I don’t.

      They raised her, instilled their values in her, and if they know in their heart of hearts that they did a good job then they’re not at fault as she is no longer “young and naive”.

      On the other hand, Mum always said “fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Wise woman, my Mum.

  24. Hi all. Thank you for your kind comments but I ask you to remember Shane Dowling made this all possible and deserves every support you can give as he is becoming one of the last bastions in the battle for freedom of speech in australia. There is good reason that his site has been chosen to be archived as you see at the top. It is a wonderful resource.

    I forgot to add in my post above that Gillard lost S & G the AWU A/c in such circumstances that it exposed the firm to damaging and costly litigation had the AWU chosen to pursue.that course. That they chose not to do so IMO is for the reason it would have exposed the whole sorry mess and spiked the political ambitions of many now sitting in Federal Parliament.

    An update is that I re-read the Cambridge affidavit and he did name the ones responsible for unfreezing the A/c’s and there’s a surprising name as the Maurice Blackburn & Co solicitor acting for the AWU officials who Cambridge alleges wrongly “authorised” it. I’m not sure if Shane has a link to the affidavit. Check first, but if not, Andrew Bolt provided a link yesterday.

    With regard to Fair Work Australia, the latest report on the Thomson investigation is wonderful timing IMHO.
    FWA is Gillard’s baby from start to finish and is the latest example of her “ability” to completely stuff up everything she touches. She worked on it for months, drafted it and oversaw its implementation. Shane has done a previous post on it which I urge you to read. I’m not sure whether I commented on it but if not I’ve researched it and have one ready to go as I’m reasonably sure Shane will re-visit it soon for updates.

    Bazza, I think any reasonable human being would feel extreme sympathy for her parents but Julia has to live with fact it was her actions which brought it upon them.

    Apologies if I delay responding anytime as I’m having severe computer problems at present. Must have downloaded too much for my old laptop to cope and I’m a computer illiterate which doesn’t help.

    Finally, for a great background to the actions of Gillard’s Labor and union enemies who knew all about her and tried desperately to keep her out of Parliament, find Shane’s link to the Mayne Report (no friend to any conservative) but he does provide a great time-line.

    Be your own “investigative journalist” and make up your own minds on the evidence ’cause there are very few I.J’s left in the MSM, and they would only have to come to Kangaroo Court to find it all! Cheers


    • Absolutely 🙂 everyone has a part to play in outing the wrongs being done in society in the name of the ‘Government’.

      If we all do our bit then success will follow. We need more strong men like Shane, Bob Kernohan, Mike Smith, Andrew Bolt etc to keep the pressure up.

      Only when that happens will the people of this country get the Government we deserve.

      I have come to the sad conclusion that skeletons in the closet is just par for the political course and that is wrong. We deserve better, our children and our grandchildren deserve better.

      Bring on a Royal Commission into this and any other scandal that remains unresolved so we can start aftresh – then the innocent will be proclaimed as such and the guily will have to face the judicial system.

      • Karen. Lovely post and I think you echo the thoughts and heartaches of many decent people in Australia. To my mind this is beyond politics, or should be and for my own part, given the same circumstances, I would pursue it no matter whether it concerned a Labor, Liberal or God forbid, a Green Prime Minister, male or female. My life is nearly over and there are far much more pleasant avenues I’d rather be following, but just like Shane, injustice and abuse of authority and power, especially when those who have it and also have the platform and a compliant media to have all the say, rankles inside of me.
        It’s not the sort of Australia I would like our young people to have!

        I seek neither accolades nor publicity but I believe I do have some skills and a certain innate stubborn-ness that can contribute and help others to have their voice heard or point them in the right direction to discover more for themselves to help make up their own minds. Without the courage of Shane Dowling I would have no “platform” at all and would probably have either exploded with frustration or had a fatal heart attack long ago!

        Thanks again Shane. I want your book as soon as I can overcome my fear of Paypal!

  25. Seems that there was a scandal on with Wison/Gillard and Cambridge knew it when he was in the AWU and wanted to lance the boil there and then- but a “quick ring around” by
    operatives such as our current prime-ministerial aspirant Shorten, squashed that action.
    And if it wasn’t so serious, why were the following comments necessary:
    “As we have discussed, you know as well as I do that if Cambridge is not stopped we are all history. I have spoken to Bill Kelty and Jennie George, and they are supportive of this course of action. Both you and I can work the phones before the national executive meeting to make sure we have the numbers before this motion is put. I have already spoken to a number of national executive and they are very nervous to say the least. Please ring when you have considered my proposal.”
    This cover-up now goes to the very heart of both the AWU and the ACTU and ,by association, the ALP and Gillard’s government and is of massive proportions. No wonder Gillard tried (now unsuccessfully) to nip it in the bud when Michael Smith started sniffing around. It just a matter of time- junior people involved will start rolling over in exchange for indemnity against prosecution- the rats will start deserting the stinking (sorry sinking-Freudian slip) ship because they know if Abbott gets into power, its history for everyone.
    Perversion of the course of justice is a serious crime and if Gillard and co. are charged and found guilty, its bye-bye to their parliamentary pension.
    Remember, it was the cover-up which sunk Nixon not the Watergate burglary, which was a relatively minor crime.

    • Thanks Two Bobs Worth, you’ve pre-empted what I’ve been trying to post for two or three hours, but I’ll do it anyway. Do you have the link to that letter, who wrote and who to? Geat work. Who needs the sycophantic Canberra Press Gallery (of rogues??) and the rest of the fawning “what do you want us to ask, Prime Minister?” Lame Stream Media!

      Hi Shane. Somewhere in my research I have seen a letter from one AWU Officer to another canvassing support for a certain course of action to be take in regard to Ian Cambridge’s call for a Royal Commissionput forwsrd to a coming meeting of the ACTU if memory serves me correctly. It mentions that the writer had already contacted many of the Executive and that they were very nervous and would support his proposal.

      To the best I can recall, the thrust of the letter was: “if we don’t stop Cambridge we’re all history” and I think it could well have been from someone involved in the authoristion to unfreeze the fraudulent bank accounts, but I’m not sure.

      I’m pretty sure it was later tabled in Victorian Parliament and recorded in their Hansard. It therefore might have been part of what Phil Gude raised in 1995 at the behest of Gillard’s Union and/or Labor Party enemies, a fact she admitted in her ABC “Australian Story”, or later when it was raised again twice in 2001 by Mr.Leigh, which incidentally showed there were ongoing problems with the handling of AWU a/c’s, so much so that in 1998 the firm’s auditors threatened to resigni.

      I can’t at present find the link I had. Do you have one”?.

  26. Shane, excellent work again. Problem with most of the media is that they report as per their bias and not on facts, which is one of the reasons there has been a decline in readership.
    Facts here are
    1. JG did not open a file (as a partner of S&G a simple oversight is not an excuse)
    2. Opening accounts and advising it as as described for union goals but admitting in the interview as a slush fund is illegal and deceptive (no excuse possible here other than this was her intended goal)
    3. Attending auction of property with Mr Wilson with deposit paid from the account(acknowledges what funds were used for)
    4. S&G lending arm financing property (acknowledges S&G complicitly)
    5. JG admitting that she cannot deny AWU funds were used to pay for her renovations (basically admitting she obtained advantage from this account)
    6. JG differences in her employment CV (complicitly shows her lies in all matters of her life)
    7. Expect to see “…Greek bullshit artist” comment go viral and see her lose the greek migrant vote.
    JG has done everything in her life that involves doing whatever it takes to benefit herself. Unfortunatley due to, my perception, this rorting of union funds is so rampant in the unions and subsequent promotion of many such people into high political and legal roles ensures that this will eventually lead to nothing happenning and no one being accountable, as many will make sure nothing happens to protect themselves. Hope I am wrong, but looking at the Thomson fiasco it looks like he will get away with it with worst case scenario of maybe paying a few thousand dollar fine.
    Shane keep up the good work.

  27. One more thing in relation to what Black Swan correctly said earlier, they all have their price. However, in fairness to Ian Cambridge , Nothing I’ve found reveals he’s anything but a man of honour and still wants this terrible boil lanced.I was worried when he accepted the appointment but the Australian reported yesterday he had made a statement quite correctly pointing out it was inappropriate for him to comment, but emphasised that he stood by everything he’d sworn in his Affidavit. Like Bob Kernohan with his Statutory Declaration, It tells me these are very brave men and will be two of the few who come out this scandal with any honour. Both documents bear heavy penalties under the Law if those making them are shown to have committed perjury.

    There is a very simple choice now for Gillard. Though no one has so far been able to find any record of her doing so, if she has sworn an affidavit or made a Statutory Declaration for any of the investigations into the AWU/Wilson/Fraud matter, produce it or them now and let people and legal professionals judge for themselves.

    After all, she has said herself she wants the next election fought on who better to trust, so here’s her big chance to prove to the people of Australia she is worthy of their trust!

    Mark well Two Bobs Worth’s words which echoed the thoughts of others world-wide, It’s not the crime, but the cover-up which brings people down who have sought to deceive!

    Remember too, Gillard had caused Michael Smith to be sacked for simply asking her to clarify questions raised in a legal document, the Stat.Dec of Bob Kernohan who as an AWU Officer on the spot when the fraud was discovered had direct knowledge of much of what had taken place!

    • Hi Coiin That was a helpful link. Ian Cambridge says the same thing in his affidavit. He also believes that some a/c’s he has found have been used by some in the Union to dodge the Taxation Office on the interest they’re getting, by using the tax-free status of the Union. Keep digging.

  28. Amazing that a partner in any law firm, in any land, simply does not open a file to record such important matters. What happens at the end of the year when partners in any business have to divvy up the proceeds of such business, let alone be able to refer to relevant legal documents should a future court case arise? So what matters have been buried in this particular “legal” transaction. with no paper trail left as evidence? No wonder there have been so many badly botched pieces of legislation passed by Ms Gillard’s government.

  29. Shane, in your opinion did Gillards PC today answer all the “relevant” questions. There seemed to be a lot of soft questions and it appeared she had most of them intimidated.

      • Hi Shane. Re the P.M’s.snap Press Conference. My B.S meter has just about gone off the scale. Remember Phil Coorey’s article in the SMH where he wrote “Julia Gillard did the conveyancing” in relation to purchase of 85 Kerr St.
        To me and many others that was completely new information and many bloggers picked it up early in the morning. I’ve never seen it anywhere else in my research, have you?

        IMHO,it is not too far fetched to say that was the sole reason the hasty P.C was arranged as no doubt her stooges would have picked up the early blog interest in it. I therefore believe it was a last desperate throw by the P.M to try and put an end to questioning and speculation and in particular divert attention away from the part of the article that was obviously a grave error or slip of the tongue or pen on Phil Coorey’s part.

        In light of my theory consider this question, which as far as I can tell on my brief look at the transcript was the only one referring to a particular article, and what was asked was totally irrelevant.

        JOURNALIST: “The story today about Ralph Blewitt leaving Indonesia in 2009 with the police after him and left owing a lot of money. When you dealt with him, did you find him a shonky character then?”

        PM: “Phil, that’s a question really that no-one could answer. Did I have any reason to believe that Mr Blewitt was involved in the kind of conduct that has subsequently come to light? No, I did not.”

        If any other journalist worth his salt had mentioned the article, the question would have been “Prime Minister, did you do the conveyancing on the 85 Kerr st., property as alleged in this article”? (bought by her ex-boyfriend allegedly on behalf of Ralph Blewitt clearly using money from an AWU styled Bank A/c he’d been able to start through her help in setting up the sham association and getting it incorporated).

        Many interesting questions would surely have then followed from what the ego-massaging P.M had called “elite journalists”!LOL

        One more query. Was the Phil who asked the question Phil Coorey?

        Cheers H/B

  30. The final piece of the puzzle fell into place today ironically due to a Fairfax journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald, who has been one of Gillard’s most staunch defenders. Thanks to an alert blogger at Andrew Bolt’s Blog in the Tips section who provided a link to Coorey’s article which I then viewed myself to verify. I don’t know where or how he got his information but in an article titled ‘Union offical fled to Indonesia’ he stated Julia Gillard had done the conveyancing for purchase of the house at 85 Kerr by her boyfriend Bruce Wilson allegedly for Ralph Blewitt. Gillard has admitted attending the auction with Wilson.

    Gillard has long denied knowledge of any wrongdoing and has said she believed the money was Blewitts and that he was now investing it in the propety.

    We have the sworn affidavit of Ian Cambridge, the AWU officer who discovered the fraud and thoroughly investigated all the fraudulent accounts he coud uncover. He provided proof the cheque for $67,770 odd paid into Slater & Gordon and placed in their Trust A/c to secure the purchase of the property was sgned by Bruce wilson and drawn on the AWU Workplace Reform Association (Inc) ( the sham association Gillard had set up for her boyfriend and subsequently deceived the W.A Corporate Affairs commissioner, thereby trickng him into approving its incorporation.

    Cambridge further queried how Slater & Gordon as the firm representing the AWU could have done that knowing it was from the funds of the Association styled as AWU but obviously not authorised by them.

    We now know why if we believe Philip Coorey that Julia Gillard handed the conveyancing.
    It is not necessary to go furtherat this stage bcause the dots are all joined but I’ll do a more detailed post later.

    If Gillard wanted allegations, then my guess is she’ll now get more than she bargained for as there wil be any number when this is fully investigated, and she won’t be on her own

    Thanks to everyone who has heped me to piece this all together and in particular Shane which is why I’m breaking the story here. IMO, Australia owes a huge amount to this man and the many others who have pursued the truth despite enormous pressure.


    The conveyanciing reference to Gillard has now been removed from Coorey’s article and Fairfax and he must face some very pertinent questions over this action alone.
    If he is wrong in his assertion, perhaps Julia might like to sue him. Wouldn’t that be a pocorn event to see. In any event we will certainly finally know for sure who did the conveyancing.

    Cheers to all from the hillbilly!

  31. Huge tactical blunder on Gillard’s part in mentioning Larry Pickering’s website in her press conference today – the obvious result will be an huge spike in traffic to Pickering’s website..

  32. Sorry Shane. I’m on a different computer and didn’t do my usual WordPress Login for the article I submitted so here it is again.

    The final piece of the puzzle fell into place today ironically due to a Fairfax journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald, who has been one of Gillard’s most staunch defenders. Thanks to an alert blogger at Andrew Bolt’s Blog in the Tips section who provided a link to Coorey’s article which I then viewed myself to verify. I don’t know where or how he got his information but in an article titled ‘Union offical fled to Indonesia’ he stated Julia Gillard had done the conveyancing for purchase of the house at 85 Kerr by her boyfriend Bruce Wilson allegedly for Ralph Blewitt. Gillard has admitted attending the auction with Wilson.

    Gillard has long denied knowledge of any wrongdoing and has said she believed the money was Blewitts and that he was now investing it in the propety.

    We have the sworn affidavit of Ian Cambridge, the AWU officer who discovered the fraud and thoroughly investigated all the fraudulent accounts he coud uncover. He provided proof the cheque for $67,770 odd paid into Slater & Gordon and placed in their Trust A/c to secure the purchase of the property was sgned by Bruce wilson and drawn on the AWU Workplace Reform Association (Inc) ( the sham association Gillard had set up for her boyfriend and subsequently deceived the W.A Corporate Affairs commissioner, thereby trickng him into approving its incorporation.

    Cambridge further queried how Slater & Gordon as the firm representing the AWU could have done that knowing it was from the funds of the Association styled as AWU but obviously not authorised by them.

    We now know why if we believe Philip Coorey that Julia Gillard handed the conveyancing.
    It is not necessary to go further at this stage bcause the dots are all joined but I’ll do a more detailed post later.

    If Gillard wanted allegations, then my guess is she’ll now get more than she bargained for as there wil be any number when this is fully investigated, and she won’t be on her own

    Thanks to everyone who has helped me to piece this all together and in particular Shane which is why I’m breaking the story here. IMO, Australia owes a huge amount to this man and the many others who have pursued the truth despite enormous pressure.


    The conveyanciing reference to Gillard has now been removed from Coorey’s article and Fairfax and he must face some very pertinent questions over this action alone.
    If he is wrong in his assertion, perhaps Julia might like to sue him. Wouldn’t that be a pocorn event to see. In any event we will certainly finally know for sure who did the conveyancing.

    Cheers to all from the hillbilly!

  33. Sorry Shane. My update about the reference being removed is incorrect so it can e removed. I must have clicked the wrong link or missed it through tiredness. It’s been pretty hectic and I’ve been putting n long hours.

    The H/T’s go to Token at Catallaxy files and Peter of Bellevue Hill at Andrew Bolt’s Tips for Thursday.

  34. Hillbilly?? Nah, ‘Bloodhound’ is more like it.

    Great work. Not everyone has the time or inclination to sniff out so many blogsites, news sites and documents, so you’ve done a great job tying so many loose ends together for the rest of us. Thanks Hillbilly.

    As I understand it, whoever did the conveyancing on that property neatly and knowingly sidestepped a lawful caveat on the title, lodged by the AWU, thereby denying them (and their membership) any chance of recouping any of the misappropriated funds. How can that not be regarded as a criminal offense by an Officer of the Court, if not ‘contempt of the court’ issuing the caveat?

    I think Shane Dowling should be nominated as Australian of the Year. As you say Billy, it’s been his dogged courage in the face of intense pressure from many quarters that has brought this nest of vipers to national account.

    Shane, many have grabbed your coat-tails in seeking to push their own agenda for various reasons but those us who have followed your posts with interest are fully aware of where the credit is due, and you have our thanks for the time and commitment you have shown in pursuit of ‘justice’ for the Australian people.

    • Thanks Black Swan, but I’m getting too old for this! Bed 3-30am his morning and up again at 7-00 has left me drained at present. The Ian Cambridge Affidavit is the key and if necessary when I recover, I’ll do detailed analysis and a more thorough job than my rushed post today. I would bet Michael Smith has already put this all together and as a former policeman he has all the investigative skills, the documents, the necessary knowledge , profile and legal backing to get the job done. I’m tipping the next move will come from him. Shane could do the job too but I would imagine getting time to do it would be his bug-bear. Gillard’s pre-emptive talk-fest strike today aimed at all the Leftist luvvy journos might satisfy them and some gullible voters but the whole thing has the stench of a carefully-managed sting including the alleged nutter “protestor” getting through all the security. A great diversion, but stinks to high heaven, Real investigative journalists won’t be so easily sidetracked.

  35. After todays ‘well rehearsed’ media conference when the PM caught all the journo’s off guard and took questions on her past, I believe it would take a royal commission to discover the truth.
    Note that the investigative journalists such as Ray Hadley, Alan Jones and Mike Smith have issued invitations to the PM to discuss but she won’t speak with them. Nor will the PM make a statement in Parliament
    I watched the Governments performance in Parliament yesterday. It was disgraceful.
    We deserve better
    I hope we don’t get complacent at election time

    • Good comment Ivan. When Gillard either fronts up to Parliament and makes a statement or is prepared to swear an affidavit with answers to the obvious questions arising from Ian Cambridge’s affidavit and Bob Kernohan’s Stat. Dec., everything she said today is absolutely meaningless waffle.

      If all in the legal fraternity in Australia are prepared to stand by and see their profession trashed in this manner, then they as gutless and lacking in integrity as the Opposition has proved to be in not pursuing the matter in Parliament where it matters.

      If I get time i’ll steel myself, take an anti-vomit pill and on behalf of all my fellow “mysogenist internet nutters” who dare to doubt the pronouncements of the poor little “I’m a woman” former partner in a law firm but still young and naive at 35 “i did nothing wrong'” but I’m now powerful Red Queen, and dissect her waffling bit by bit.. Apologies for my English and sentence construction if I failed to make myself clear!

      Now hoping for an earlier night. Cheers to all.

    • Ivan, I don’t believe we will become complacent. There is clearly far too much anger out there for that. And it is clear that the MSM is not switched on to what is happening out here in voterland. In the haze of battle they have failed to see that the horse has bolted, and the fire is well and truely alight. And very strong winds make putting it out impossible.

  36. Thank you Shane for exposing this crooked woman who is our prime minister. Gillards interview with Slater & Gordon in 1995 with her explanation that the association was a re-election fund when 3 years before she registered the association as training and helping unions. Did Gillard know all along it was a “slush fund” to benefit Wilson and blewitt?. I believe Gillard knew from the very start that it was a “re-election/slush fund”. What do you think Shane?.

  37. Looking at the Cambridge affidavit I see Bank accounts in WA & Victoria for
    “WA Election Fund” & “RE-Election fund” in Victoria…so hearing Gillard today say …

    “I was a solicitor at Slater & Gordon. I assisted with the provision of advice regarding the setting up of an association, the workplace reform association that you refer to.

    My understanding is that the purpose of the association was to support the re-election of a team of union officials and their pursuit of the policies that they would stand for re-election on.

    It was my understanding that the association would engage in fundraising activities, including, for example, there being regular payroll deductions from union officials who would be putting their money together to support their re-election campaign and that they may well have other fundraising activities like hosting dinners where it would be transparent to people that the money was going to support their re-election campaign.”

    …my question would be why then did she have to open separate “AWU Workplace Reform Association INC” accounts when there were already clearly accounts for the purpose of depositing Election monies?

    The affidavit spells a maze of transactions back and forth and really needs a forensic accountant to look at the paper/money trail. 17 years on and Ms Gillard knows only too well that would be impossible. So she is safe with the help of “friends” like Ms Roxon & the Unions etc. IMHO Ms Gillard is using and abusing her position now to obstruct any investigation that could possibly arise from here on in. IMHO the hole is getting deeper!

    • Spot on EJ, particularly your last paragraph. Cambridge also listed a whole heap of other a/c’s in every State of Australia’ he believed required investigation so it’s obvious Union ripoffs were rife throughout Australia and that’s only from one Union!

      One point though. Gillard did not set up the A/c’s. She facilitated the setting up and incorporation of the Association which allowed her boyfriend Wilson, Blewitt and others to stup the A/c’s and misappropriate and misuse funds rightfully at all times belonging to the AWU. Any reading of the Rules of the Union as clearly set out by Cambridge in his affidavit show that Gillard acted outside those Rules which, as a solicitor acting for the AWU , she would or should, have been fully aware of.

  38. I think the fact that the PM keeps saying ’17 years ago’ indicates that the PM wants forgiveness. It should also remind the voters that the PM was reported to have set up a gang to dig up dirt on the Libs from longer than 17 years ago.
    I think that the PM’s body language was not impressive, the PM still said only what she wanted to say and kept referring to ’17 years ago’ . . but who did sign the application ?
    In her description re slush funds, the funds were slush funds as many times it has been written, that money went to even deposits on house bought by union officials , and promising not to use that terminology again does not excuse the PM .. is ‘terminology’ a substitute for ‘lie’ ?
    The PM spoke of sexist remarks. . . there is only one fellow who has made these. All other comments are not sexist

    • Thanks Terry. That does help and gives me an idea I’ll expand on later. I was going to add to his list but I dont “do” “social” media and don’t want to so I didn’t know how to get in.

  39. She created an illegal entity that facilitated a major fraud by her boyfriend and his side-kick. She broke union rules in creating the entity and kept her employer in the dark for a period of over 3 years.

    She departed the company after they found out about her and investigated her. The company lost one of its biggest clients as a direct result of her actions.

    Did the Law Council of Victoria have anything to say about any of this? Was she struck off the register, if not why not?

    • Colin.The sad part of it is, someone has to make a complaint before they can act. There are many who could have done so but didn’t. e.g.’Any other Partner in her firm who, through her actions and unethical behaviour, had jointly been exposed to potential litigation; the client she lost the firm, the AWU. The undoubted reason they did not is that some have so many questions to answer themselves. The same is true for the known fraudsters in the affair. Ian Cambridge had done most of the investigative work and had it meticulously docmented but after the police had worked on it, no one would make a charge so they were hamstrung. It is without doubt one of the biggest most widespread coverups in Australia’s history and goes to the heart of the integrity (or lack thereof) of the legal profession, the Unions, politicians, the Australian media. and I might add the gullibility and apathy of a large section of the Australian public!

  40. From today’s Telegraph I just watched a video of Gillard’s press conference yesterday, selectively edited and presented by Channel Ten.

    What a bunch of toady hacks, the lot of them.

    Gillard re the ‘slush fund’: “I provided advice in relation to its establishment and that was it.”

    Advice? Yeah, right. Does actually filling out and lodging false and deceptive forms for the association’s incorporation in WA constitute ‘advice’ only?

    As for being physically present when Blewitt’s prospective ‘tenant’ goes out and buys a house for his prospective ‘landlord’ with a cheque drawn on the ‘workers’ safety association’ account while she organises the S&G finance for the mortgage and then stated she just thought that Ralph had some money to invest ……. Good grief!!

    If she’s going to keep digging, she needs a longer handle for her shovel.

    • I hate to say it and as appalling as her performance was in the PC yesterday – her body language, tone of voice etc are compelling clues to her guilt IMO – yet still she will most probably walk away scott free. She changes the focus of the discussion by accusing any who disagree with her as being either sexist or just simply, nutters or both. I’m surprised she is not using the term “conspiracy theorists”, but she will eventually. In any case its hard to see the “establishment” allowing a sitting PM to be found guilty of anything – that would not be a good look.
      Watch for the next Act in the play to begin to focus on poor Julia, misunderstood Julia, harrassed Julia…. you get the picture. They will have Bob Hawke in her office coaching her on how to cry in Press Conferences – convincingly. Recall how he did that when admitting to adultery? He turned it round to poor Bob, misunderstood Bob etc.
      I sure hope I’m wrong.

      • She will walk away from this, but I doubt very much it will be scott free. How could she when she has caused a compliant, and inherently corrupt MSM grevious bodly harm. The MSM must be in a daze at the moment, wishing they hadn’t been so reluctant to persue the truth about this whole sorry saga.

        And how could she walk away scott free when she has referred to the blogosphere as masogynist nut jobs. Is she really that dim? Does she not realise that many of the readers and contributors to these blogs have voted Labor in the past? Talk about self destruction. It tells you a lot about her minders and advisors – it’s like a bad comedian – they should have pulled her months ago.

        Shane, you have done a wonderful job, and many of the comments here are extremely well thought out and informative. Well my fellow masogynis nut jobs, it’s back to work for me. All of you have a great weekend, and sweet dreams of a time in the near future when this Country starts moving through the ‘forward’ gears.

      • Mike thanks I could have phrased it better. I think we’re right to assert she will walk from this issue. In the longer term though you are right, the cat is out of the bag as to the kind of thugs who typically (not always) run Unions. Rank and file members may have had their doubts over the years, but now its plain for them to see – they’ve been had in a big way for years. We’ll see more examples as per the NSW Ambo members who are poised to leave the HSU en masse and start their own union. This will happen many more times over the next year or two I feel, and can only be a good thing for the union movement – though the heavy hitters running the scam/s now won’t see it that way. New unions will be scrutinised for proper processes and rules and the Thompson and now Gillard cons will be a thing of the past. This in turn means a revitalised Union movement and in turn a revitilised Left in general. I’m not a unionist but have voted Labour at different times, but the system needs a Government and an Opposition both of whom have integrity – and the best interest of the people at heart.
        Gillard is crooked as a dog’s hind leg and the current system allowed her to rise to the top, but it will be a longish time before such a blunder occurs again. This will pass over in time sadly, but the long term gains of her exposure will be worth it for this country – I hope.

  41. A question for someone to investigate with more time than I have.
    Did Gillard have (a) a building permit to carry out the reno. works
    and (b) an owner-builder’s license. for her renos..She was obviously contract administering it ( and not very well by the looks of it)

    • Hi TBW. Couldn’t get through tonight on those links you provided on the “we’re all history” letter but will keep trying. Do you (or anyone) happen to remember who wrote it and to whom it was sent? Could be important and valuable information for the track I’m pursuing. Thanks. H/B

  42. A plea for help. I have to go out this morning but can I ask posters here to become detectives. The key to all this is the circumstances of the purchase of the 85 Kerr st. property through Slater & Gordon and whether Gillard did the conveyancing as stated by Phil Coorey in his SMH aricle yesterday. The Cambridge affiidavit holds all the keys and para.18 and 18.2 detail the Cheque for $67,722-30 paid to S&G signed by Wilson on a AWU Workplace Reform A/c. Cambridge sets out in detail his concerns about the circumstances. The only link I have to the affidavit courtesy of Andrew Bolt is through another site I think Shane would prefer wasn’t mentoned here but it can be found and others here may have a different link.

    Lets concentrate our efforts on the principal question. Go to it and I will be back later.

    Thanks to all.

  43. “Gillard paid for her home renovations, says builder Kon Spyridis”


    “Kon Spyridis yesterday broke a 17-year silence to confirm that Ms Gillard personally paid him for nearly $4000 worth of renovations with two bank cheques.”

    Hmmm, is this the same builder dubbed by Gillard as just a “Greek bullshit artist”? She should know.

    Now if I was a builder who had done lots of domestic and commercial work for various unions over many years, and my old ‘mates’ approached me with an offer I couldn’t refuse, I wonder what my response would be? For starters, the missus would be really ticked off with a severed horse’s head in the bed – messes up the sheets no end.

    Old Kon has no records and no proof, but hey – he’s an old bloke who has done a squillion jobs in his long working life, and he can remember two cheques on a small domestic renno from 20 years ago – even that they were bank cheques and not personal ones.

    Who said that us old codgers were ‘losing it’ or “nutters” or suffered from geriatric amnesia. Good old Kon has ridden in on his white charger to save a ‘damsel’ (Huh!!!) in distress, so we have nothing to worry about.

    Phew!! that’s a relief … and there was I thinking the country was being run by some kinda crook.

  44. Sorry Jenny – ” …recalled that he was paid by Ms Gillard with two bank cheques but he does not have any records of the transactions.”

    That’s what is so amazing about Kon – he’s a veritable whiz when it comes to ‘total recall’.

    • Hi Black Swan. Do you have a link or any further info on the caveat you said the AWU took out on 8 Kerr St.? Dates etc.,? I’m still burning the midnight oil and this old bloodhound is on the scent. Thanks

      • Sorry Hillbilly – I have no further specific detail – just what I’ve read over these past months and emerges sporadically from the necktop database.

        One point – while Kon can definitely ‘recall’ that they were “bank cheques”, and Gillard is adamant that she had receipts for the work done (which S&G insisted she produce – so much for their trust in her word even then), who is to say what/whose accounts were drawn on to pay for those bank cheques? It is not unheard of for one entity to pay for a bank cheque and a receipt to be issued to the person handing over the cheque, not the account-holder or individual who furnished the funds.

        It is highly unlikely (20 years ago) that a successful middle-aged senior partner in a prominent law firm did not possess a personal chequing account to pay for such personal expenses. Why get a bank cheque or two of them? Unless of course old Kon suspected a personal cheque would not be honoured. I’ve had a lot of rennos done over the years, and my personal cheque was always good enough for any builder I engaged.

        Such cheques do not specify who paid for them, usually only who the recipient is. Gillard’s assertions that she had receipts for the work and Kon’s ham-fisted attempts to defend her hold no water whatsoever.

        It has STILL not been established as to where the money came from.

        If Kon IS the builder who owned the fashion house (a strange juxtaposition of business expertise), then it is not unheard of for various commercial entities to have income paid through associated businesses or subsidiaries to minimise taxes.

        Gee Kon, you haven’t been indulging in tax avoidance have you? Shock, horror.

        If the MSM were not so thoroughly compromised and had the smarts (or the cojones) to ask such pertinent questions, then Gillard would have fled that press conference the other day in tatters, not strutting (or waddling pigeon-toed) through the halls of the House like some indignant, outraged diva.

        A sexist remark? Hardly. Just descriptive of the individual concerned who STILL refuses to tell the truth of the matter. As genuine as a three dollar note.

      • You can buy a bank cheque with cash. The cash can be withdrawn from anywhere beforehand. This does make the paper trail more difficult. You might then ask why 2 cheques.

    • What gems of bloggers you have here Shane! Black Swan & Jenny F, thank you.
      It’s 2-45am and I’m on a roll! “recalled that he was paid by Ms Gillard with two bank cheques but he does not have any records of the transactions.”

      Bells ringing! Remember Town Mode Fashions (now allegedly defunct if it ever existed) but we are told it was “owned by a builder”. On 12/10/94 $8,750 was paid to Town Mode and the buyer must have really loved the fashions ’cause just 9 days later on 21/10/94 another $8,750 was paid to them. Both amounts came from what Ian Cambridge styles in his affidavit A/c (F) C’wealth Bank a/c No.3008 1000 9028 in the name of Australian Workers Union Welfare Association (No.1) operated by Bruce Wilson and a James Collins, Union Organiser.

      As at 16/12/93 only miscellaneous small deposits from unknown sources, probably payroll deductions from Union employees or Officers totalling $17,950, but at the time Ian signed his affidavit he’d found in total approx. $208,180-71 had been deposited.

      This was one of a whole group of dodgy A/c’s Cambridge lists at para 12 page 7.

      Curiouser and curiouser is all I’ll say!

      It’s 3-10am and I’m off to bed. Must get my beauty sleep you know. G’night all. H/B

      • Nice work hillbilly33, the $8,750 for two different transactions is a strange number. A lot of clothes too.. Looking back at Gillards appearance back in those years, i doubt she would have had the fashion sense to spend so much. The key to it all might just be in finding out more about Town Mode Fashions

  45. It would be interesting to hear Lindsay Tanners view of things. I seem to remember reading there was some historical friction between the two. I wonder if it was to do with the events of 17 years ago?

    • Colmac. There’s a quote from Lindsay in Gillard’s authorised autobiography and Bolt had it highlighted a few posts ago. Sorry I haven’t got time to link it for you There are so many people in Labor and the Unions who knew her for what she was and tried very hard to keep her out of politics. How sad for Australia they didn’t succeed.

      • Hillbilly, you are right, this matter won’t go away until Ms Gillard stands down or states the obvious, that she has been implicit in a cover up, hand in hand with Slater & Gordon, over their dealings with the Wilson/AWU matters. I’ve been reading as much as I can, and have come up with the following.

        According to Ms Gillard and Slater & Gordon, there was no files opened in regard to any dealings with the, so called slush fund, and the use of said slush fund. That must be a blatant lie.

        According to the affidavit by Ian Cambridge, when the Kerr St house was purchased by Wilson, acting as power of attorney for Blewitt, Ms Gillard arranged the balance of the purchase price in the form of a loan from Mr Jonathan Rothfield, who assumed control of Slater & Gordon in December 1985.
        There was only one Mortgagee on the title of the Kerr St house, Mr Jonathan Rothfeild.

        Now the Kerr St house was purchased in 1993, yet the matter of fraud by Wilson was not raised until 1995, when Slater & Gordon say they first became aware of the matter.

        So Slater &Gordon expect the public to believe that they loaned an individual over $100,000, in return for a mortgage on a property, in1993, and had no file on the matter? Bit sloppy, one would think.
        Maybe they lost the file, all they have to do is look under the carpet.

        When the AWU woke up to the fact that Ms Gillard and Mr Rothfeild had aided Wilson to perpetrate the fraud, they withdrew their accounts, and transferred them to Maurice Blackburn & Co.
        Ms Gillard was stood down by Slater & Gordon, the said property was put on the market and when it was sold in April 1996 Mr Rothfield was repaid the loan, plus fees, (on file some where) and Ms Gillard left the company.

        In reference to points 18 to 18.2 in the Cambridge affidavit, all I could find, was the following link, a letter to the editor, scroll down, is reference to amounts.

        Hope this is of some help, see ya.

  46. Everyone should read Peter Hartchers column in todays (Sat) SMH. He lays the blame squarely at the feet of Labor and Gillard herself for this story having traction.

    • Well spotted Colin! I wonder is there any history somewhere? Doesn’t seem to have a website listed in those links but I haven’t tried to find it.

  47. So where is all of this getting us? Nowhere! In a couple of days nobody will talk about it anymore and nothing in the papers either. We have a person in the top job who knows exactly to the dot how to play the Australian people and more so the ones in Canberra.
    It is almost spooky. She came out of this PC with flying colours and to make my point…
    she will be “in “next time election comes around. I find it interesting how her staunch supporters are absolutely blind and/or support her NO MATTER WHAT. She will get away with murder from now on. Whatever can be found from now on will not matter either. What are we going to do with all that information? Nobody will touch it. Lets face it. She has the Unions behind her as they cover each others back and she has the Greens because she is their only chance to get something through.
    By the way…I had the chance to hear a view remarks on radio yesterday about this site as well. This blog and site is closely watched by her staffers. I think it would be a good idea not to say what you are going to do next or whom to approach.
    Sorry for the rant.

    • Chloe. Don’t be disheartened. Forget most Newspaper, Radio, and or TV commentators and especially those Gillard described as the “journalistic elite of Australia,” Most are now irrelevant! An absolute bushfire has been created and little spot fires are breaking out everywhere. Go round as many blogs as you can, Ignore the abusive and /or distasteful comments and look for those bloggers, like many here, who refuse to be intimidated and are piecing this all together! These are the people to whom the following post referred.

      As Karen 23/8/12 3-40pm said: “Absolutely everyone has a part to play in outing the wrongs being done in society in the name of the ‘Government’”

      Make no mistake, this will be one of the biggest battles for principles and freedoms ever fought in this country and will determine the future of many generations to come. I’ve said before it’s now beyond Gillard and politics. They are almost peripheral, but if anyone on either side of politics or other institutions is guilty of serious transgressions and they are brought to justice in the process, that’s a bonus

      There may be many bad things about the Internet but it gives a powerfl unifying voice to the “little” people, and knowledge and the freedom to express it, in the end, has always defeated even the most powerful forces behind those who seek to oppress and control other’s lives.

      I may well end up a casualty of this myself, but if that’s the result I’ll leave this Earth well satisfied. Keep your chin up!

  48. ” At the ABC, political host Barrie Cassidy has demanded journalists place Tony Abbott under more scrutiny. Yet he argues Ms Gillard should face less. Perhaps instead of writing about journalism, he ought to practise some.”

    Extracted from an Editorial in Today’s Australian.

    Confirms suspicions I have long held surrounding the ABC’s supposed ‘A’ political leaning.

    • Hartcher has obviously caught on that his credibility would be totally shot should he continue persuing the ‘Cassidy’ line. Most MSM jounalists (not sure whether one should describe them as such) thought they could bluff their readers and quickly and effortlessly sweep the Gillard/AWU issue under the rug.

      Well how dumb is that? Thanks MSM, not only are we focused on the Gillard/AWU scandel, we are focusing in on the corrupt MSM for deliberately ignoring journalistic principals in an attempt to make Julia’s problems go away.

      The ‘masogynis nut jobs’ that traverse the blogosphere (that means all of us, and probably most of voterland) have no interest in focusing on Tony Abbott at this stage. Cassidy calling on all journalists to throw mud at Tony Abbott is not unlike the school bully (feeling a little insecure) encouraging his underlings to go beet up on Billy. Oh Cassidy, how pathetic, and little wonder that the blogosphere and it’s keen interest in matters political is expanding at the speed of light.

      Clearly Cassidy and his cohorts are the ‘nut jobs’. And it is highly unlikely that Cassidy will do a Hartcher and see the light and find a way to adhere to balanced journalism.

      Will someone please inform Cassidy, and his corrupt bedfellows, that Julia’s masogynis nut jobs have already completed their score cards, and it’s not looking good. It begs the question, why do we ‘tax payers’ continue to support the ABC, which is nothing other than a cauldron where journalistic principals are more often than not ignored? Now tell me this is not corruption?

    • Have found the ABC to be just a little bit sensitive about criticism of Gillard! Stopped listening to the lot of them last year!

  49. Hi Shane. Please cut anything of mine at any time you feel it could cause you trouble – that’s the last thing I would want to do.

    Can i also remind posters of Shane’s excellent all-in-one resource “Julia Gillard/Bruce Wilson -AWU Fraud Page” if you find a useful link.

    In her “snap” P.C Gillard referred to “misogynists and nut jobs on the Internet” .

    She also said this; “Mr.Cambridge has never called for an enquiry into my conduct”. Correct, but read para 18.2 of his affidavit and his queries on how S & G could have permitted what were clearly AWU funds to be used for the puchase of private property ……….etc., Read what he states under oath, ask yourselves who or what is the missing link and then join the dots for yourselves.

    A bit hard to dismiss Ian Cambridge a “misogenyst and nut job!””

  50. Update. See Bolt’s latest post on “the cheque” together with photocopy of same and several questions for Gillard. I’ve sen a post which may or may not get up but here it is.

    The other most important questions are
    (a) did she do “the conveyancing” work on the property as stated in the SMH Phil Coorey article on 23/8/12?
    (b) If she did not, who did?
    (c) will she be either suing Coorey for defamation or demanding of Fairfax that he be sacked?

    • Hillbilly, did she see the cheque? she was bedding the guy, the cheque went through S&L, S&L provided the conveyancing, S&L stumped up the mortgage for the house,she was providing her work pro bono. No she didn’t see the cheque. Does young and naive fit the bill? what about thick as brick, does that fit the bill. (Deleted. No swear words please.)

      • Bazza as far as I have read, Gillard was a salaried partner and the funds went into the S & G trust account – she is responsible for the incoming and outgoing transactions for any Trust account.

      • Hi Bazza, I think Game, Set & Match fits the bill! You do raise a query which I’d already thought of and had sparked my interest for the reasons I touch on in my response to Allison. Just how did that cheque get to the firm: mailed, couriered, some other way or hand delivered?. If it came in the mail the person responsible for opening the mail would be first to see it and probably record it in a mail book. Someone would then need to issue a receipt, following which it would most likely go to the solicitor handling the case and would then be deposited in the firm’s trust a/c.. if Gillard actually did the conveyancing as Coorey (I would suggest inadvertently) claimed; Well………… one could be forgiven if they joined some more dots!.

        Hi to Allison too. In every legal firm and many other entities It is required to have a Trust Fund in the firm’s name to which all incoming monies must be deposited, receipts issued and the transaction properly recorded in the firm/s system. This is in part to provide a paper trail protecting the interests of both the client and the firm. Where the funds deposited are then to be used for,ongoing transactions, in this instance purchase of the 85 Kerr St. property,the firm would then draw a cheque from their trust a/c to complete it.
        I think Ian Cambridge confirmed the last step did happen.

        Michael Smith has commented that it would have been normal practice for most firms to require a Bank Cheque from the client for such a large transaction, but in this case it simply accepted a cheque signed by Bruce Wilson, albeit from an AWU styled a/c. Michael suggests the firm must have had an enormous amount of trust in Bruce Wilson!

        an Cambridge asks how could this all happen given the firm acted for the AWU and the cheque would appear to clearly show it was AWU money being used to purchase private property without seeking proper authorisation or permission from the AWU to do so and failing to note the AWU interest on the susbsequent mortgage?


      • Dear Hillbilly33 at 4.18 pm: yes your second paragraph is correct in that S & G have obligations to ensure all transactions are transparent etc within their trust accounts as they have legislative requirements to do so. Usually the incoming $ is allocated a file number – apparently Gillard forgot about that so how the funds ended up in the bookkeeping system is a mystery.

        Gillard was an officer of the court when she had a practising certificate and should not have acted for her boyfriend as she had an obvious conflict of interest.

      • Bazza, Allison, Hillbilly – these cheques are interesting eh?

        While Gillard created no file for her work on the incorporation of the phoney association and the AWU were never billed for it, there MUST have been an S&G file on the house in question – details of the deposit and cheque paid into the S&G Trust and the provision of the mortgage, the property’s subsequent sale and conveyancing which saw the mortgage paid out and the balance of monies disbursed to the legal owner of the house. It seems the monies went elsewhere and an AWU caveat on the title ignored.

        Dirty money in and nice clean cash from a law firm’s trust account goes out.

        I wonder why the term ‘money laundering’ comes to mind?

  51. Wow. Some of the the media have finally taken their hands from over their eyes and stopped blocking their ears and have taken the gloves off! I don’t see anyway Gillard can survive this and if we keep the pressure on and now focus on the Unions angle, the government must go too! (Reminds me – must get back to work)!

    Check the Bolta, the Australian etc.,. of course they are now jostllng to take credit for what’s coming out, but who has the timelines and articles to prove he has been fighting longest and hardest for this? One,Shane Dowling at Kangaroo Court and you should all make that known to everyone you can.

    Shane. You deserve to be Australian of the Year. I dips me lid!

  52. Well, my comment to Bolt referred to above @ 1.35pm hasn’t got up yet but this update just appeared:

    “Phillip Coorey in the Fairfax press may be wrong, of course, but…:”

    Then links to the Coorey article containing “Julia Gillard did the conveyancing”!

    Nice coincidence?

    I also didn’t realise Bolt had a great article canvassing the issues in The Telegraph, Sydney 23/8/12. Good links and the comments are well worth reading. Will cheer you up no end Chloe! Cheers H/B

    • Haven’t you ever noticed Bolt has a habit of doing that? Comments aren’t always posted but their significant contents invariably turn up in his articles.

      • Thanks Shane. My bad! I didn’t look closely at your donation options. I did see Jo Nova had a Direct Deposit opton which looked OK.ion Will set some wheels in motion next week hopefully!

      • I had noticed Bl Sw which is why I keep posting info I think he hasn’t covered even though since the disgraceful Section 18c decision against him moderation means a lot don’t get up. Many don’t even bother trying to post anymore and one’s post get “lost in the traffic” even if it gets up. I’m floating some ideas in comment further down.

  53. I would think that Michael Smith and probably Hedley Thomas have seen the application for the incorporation of that Association.When are they going to tell us who is named on it?There are state laws about procedures, and I’d expect there is more info on the form than the Mission Statement, some of which we have heard about(as in a summary)eg The registered office? the office bearers, the Board membership, the procedures for election and a possible dissolution, and for goodness sake it would have been incorporated for the secondary purpose, a bank account being the first one, of gaining tax exemption, probably under Section501(c)(6)I don’t understand how Julia was at arm’s length and dealing only with Wilson and maybe Blewitt, when others must have been involved if only on paper, so WHO WERE THEY and what have they to say about it NOW,did ANYONE tell them about it?
    The more it comes out the ranker it stinks

  54. Shane. O/T but would you look at setting up a Direct Deposit system for donations?. This would avoid Paypal fees and may be a more acceptable way especially for older people to support you and your site. Unfortunately I can’t afford much but would be quite happy to forgo newspapers and instead donate the $40 or so a month saved. to you. If that idea caught on you may be able to achieve your aim devote more time . . Check it out.

    Cheers H/B

    • I might look at it later. But you can use a bank account on PayPal or if you go to the donation page I have the mailing details there for cheques. The donation button is something I set up three weeks ago to try. The idea behind it and the long term funding of this site I have written on the donation page. The PayPal fees are only very small so it is not a big issue. The donation page is at the top of the page on the menu bar: http://kangaroocourtofaustralia.com/donations/

      • Thanks Shane. My response is up the page a bit – “accidentally ” sent to Black Swan. *Reminder to me – actually post reply before moving elsewhere”!!!!!

  55. Some time ago when I was following this whole affair, I read of the fraud and of the purchase of the house in Victoria. From memory (and I will read through my bookmarks to confirm this) I read that once the fraud was discovered a caveat was put on the house and a “freeze” was put on the bank accounts. Obviously this was done to preserve the funds/equity which appeared to be stolen from the real AWU.

    BUT, I remember reading that despite this Caveat and Freeze on the bank account, the house was subsequently sold and the proceeds paid out (to Wilson/Blewitt). And on top of this the remaining monies in the bank account were also withdrawn.

    This is extremely important if it is correct. To be able to sell a house and funnel the proceeds with a caveat on it is very very difficult and would certainly require the assistance of a lawyer…Similarly the bank account…

    If this is correct, the repercussions are even more damning for Gillard and those that covered up the fraud than the other matters as it would have required some very heavy manoeuvring to get around the legals involved and would be completely against the interests of Slater and Gordon’s clients, the (real) AWU.

    Shane, Do you remember this being the case?

      • Hi Shane, It is not easy to sell a house with a caveat on it (should be almost impossible actually) This really is a huge issue. I am sure the average person would find it hard to do a conveyance and one with a caveat on the property would be extremely difficult to process as you probably know. So, therefore, I would assume that a competent lawyer would have been involved and that there would have had to be some considerable amount of paperwork to get around it, or, the Caveat was removed by someone with the authority and would, or should, have only been lifted by a representative of the AWU. Same with the bank account – haven’t read or seen anything discussing these details and they would be pivotal in any investigation.

        This paperwork trail would be good to see – wonder if it is sitting somewhere in Slater and Gordon’s files and maybe copies in the possession of Mr Howes?

      • Ok Shane, the house was ultimately sold by the Maurice Blackburn law firm (presumably Murphy had something to do with it considering that when he left S&G, the AWU account followed him), but it was S&G who facilitated the sale and mortgage on a Power of Attorney for a man who was never present, did not participate in the process, and claims no knowledge of any mortgage raised in his name.

        Question is; did a caveat EVER exist on the property as what claim did the AWU have on what was patently the Proceeds of Crime, of which they claimed no previous knowledge?

        It’s the “dodgy deals” perpetrated by EVERYONE involved to bury this story that demonstrates the true depth of corruption in this Administration (AND its judicial and quasi-judicial appointees).

  56. Just a thought… but does anyone have a current registered user/login to https://www.landata.vic.gov.au/tpc/ …perhaps… to obtain various certificates of titles, property details etc. I thought that the person or persons that handle the conveyancing of a property usually have their details recorded on the documents like signatures, relating to the transaction somewhere amongst them? Would this be true? Maybe further info is on them like dates too? Any legal eagles out there…and NO…not you Ms Gillard- pun intended!

    • Something to check- maybe its why she was unemployed for 6 months and might
      explain the CV gap. Note: she never practiced law again.

    • Excellent thought EJ, and a great lead to follow. Transfer of Titles and many other details would certainly have to take place and be properly registerd or recorded at the relevant Government Department when the house was bought and sold. Another huge “Dig Here”.

  57. OK. Some ideas – always bearing in mind this is Shane’s site at all times and we post here only by his grace, goodwill and courage in allowing us to do so.

    Firstlly, I’m very old, (but don’t feel it!),computer illiterate and I’ve fought through similar injustices to Shane, albeit on someone else’s behalf, so I understand exactly what motivates him.

    it is obvious Shane is attracting new bloggers all the time; that there is considerable expertise available and the best thing of all, from ethical, decent people with an enquiring mind and appalled at what the abuse of power is doing to Australia. In other words, there is the making of a great team. As one blogger above put it, I love coming to this site because I get the truth!

    It is also obvious the MSM, ABC etc., are living in a parallel universe, (La-la Land?) so it’s left to ordinary people like us to do some extraodinary things to help get Australia and the people who ru(i)n it from time to time back on keel. We’ve all vented our frustrations over the years but let’s now focus on what we need to do.

    Shane, this page is getting a bit unwieldy so would you consider a new one similar to your resource page where we can pursue what’s necessary.?

    Ian Cambridge has done all the work and has laid out the questions to be answered. IMO they all revolve around the circumstances and purchase of the 85 Kerr St., property.
    All the other abuses of the system, like the legal and Union coverup, Government appointments to various judicial and authorities etc.,are tangled up in that mess and can be pursued as we go along. The facts are mostly all readily available, in public and it’s astonishing that this has not already brought an end to matters. It must be spelt out clearly and constant pressure applied by keeping it before the public in every possible area.

    Chew it over while I chew some breakfast, which I’ve just realised I put in the microwave an hour ago! Be back later. H/B

  58. Anyone ever had an “Ahaa!!!” moment? Something has been ricocheting around in my skull that didn’t quite gel. This morning, it did.

    We have been told that Blewitt worked his scam by approaching construction bosses (Theiss being the biggest) and demanding that they ‘buy’ hundreds of phoney union membership tickets for workers that didn’t exist, or work would be interrupted and stoppages called etc.

    When the AWU discovered this they called in the WA police who, upon investigation, tried to persuade Theiss to press charges against the crooks, but Theiss declined.

    The AWU bosses then said they had endeavoured to recoup their membership’s lost funds by putting a caveat on the Melbourne house (purchased with the ill-gotten monies) and by placing a ‘freeze’ on all the dodgy bank accounts.

    Those monies disappeared when both the ‘caveat’ and the ‘freeze’ were subsequently ignored. WHY were they ignored? How could they be legally disregarded and the perpetrators be allowed to abscond with their fraudulently acquired wealth?

    THAT is why the WA police needed Theiss to lodge a formal complaint. Theiss was the wronged party from whom the money had been stolen, NOT the AWU.

    The only possible inference is that neither a caveat nor bank freeze ever existed. Where is the AWU’s documented evidence that they ever did?

    On what grounds could the AWU have demanded either a caveat or an account freeze? They had already said the accounts, the incorporation of the dodgy ‘association’, and the hucksters who had perpetrated the scam had absolutely NOTHING to do with the AWU. We are talking about stolen funds acquired on the basis of fraud – the PROCEEDS OF CRIME – and the AWU had no claim on any of it, let alone the authority to apply for caveats and bank freezes when it was already a matter of record that they denied any part in the crime committed.

    Methinks the AWU bosses, desperate to salvage some vestige of credibilty with their already-peeved membership, CLAIMED to be doing “all we can” to have these monies quickly returned to the rightful owners, the AWU membership.

    WRONG!!! These Proceeds of Crime belonged to the wronged party, Theiss, NOT the union movement as the money had bought “tickets” for workers who NEVER existed.

    No wonder the entire System has worked for 20 years to sweep this affair under the carpet – no, make that under the floorboards – no, make that buried under a concrete slab, which is usually the case with Organised Crime. No wonder that without Theiss’s co-operation, the criminals and their stolen money soon disappeared.

    NONE of these lying Union dogs is worth feeding. And it’s been the rest of us who have been chasing our own tails.

    • Hi Bl Sw. I use that ’cause B.S certainly does not apply! Brilliant. You are on one right track which is opening up a can of worms but there are more than one. Remember Wilson & Blewitt worked that scam in W.A in 1991 onwards before they decided to extend their field of operations to Melbourne and use a solicitor to try and legalise an even greater ripoff. Cambridge did not discover the WA scam till after all the other s..t he’d discovered hit the fan! This raises a whole lot more questions for certain “key” people to answer aboutcncealment of crime, and perhapos aiding and abetting. Have another look at the affidavit, the leads are all there.

      The Gillard/Wilson/AWU Fraud matter is different. Have a look at the then W.A government involvement. Under legislation they passed, they legally gave taxpayers money to Thiess and others to employ trainers to enhance workplace safety etc, which Thiess then channelled on to Wilson and others. It was supposed to be put in a fund for that purpose. It had a specific name which escapes me and a huge amount of money went into it but it was wound up later, from memory, either because of Union members or Government complaints that no training appeared to be happening. It’s all on public record so could you please chase it down?

      That was the money that Wilson and Blewitt were able to use as they wished once the sham association was established against all AWU Rules at the time,enabling them to misuse and misappropriate at will.

      Great work!

    • HI Hillbilly,

      You wrote

      “On what grounds could the AWU have demanded either a caveat or an account freeze? They had already said the accounts, the incorporation of the dodgy ‘association’, and the hucksters who had perpetrated the scam had absolutely NOTHING to do with the AWU. We are talking about stolen funds acquired on the basis of fraud – the PROCEEDS OF CRIME – and the AWU had no claim on any of it, let alone the authority to apply for caveats and bank freezes when it was already a matter of record that they denied any part in the crime”

      Check with Shane but my understanding of caveats is that anyone who is owed money or is involved in a dispute can put a caveat on a property, so that the deed holder can’t sell the property and run off with the profits, leaving behind creditors who don’t get paid. So, the AWU could easily put a caveat on that house (which prevents it being sold until the caveat is removed) while the legal eagles battle out who has rights to claim.

      In fact Ian Cambridge was fighting with the banks at the time to get to see their records so that he could work out how much money was involved and it would have been very easy to get a Caveat and Freeze on the bank accounts, Remember they were after sorting this mess out.

      The big mystery is how they could have sold a house with a caveat on it. Believe me it is very very difficult to do and would require parties from both sides to have agreed to lifting it. So why would that have happened. SLater and Gordon had a
      mortgage on the property and they would have been aware of the Caveat ?? This is a very interesting line for investigation….(assuming proof that the caveat existed of course)


      • Hi Winnedge – I agree about the matter of a caveat registering a party’s interest in a property title.

        However, in order for frivolous and vexatious actions to be avoided, surely any applicant for a caveat must demonstrate a legitimate pecuniary interest in the property in question…..

        Pecuniary interest – This means a financial interest or association with the proposed development, the land, the applicant or land owner..

        If the AWU had protested that they had zero involvement in the ‘association’, the bank accounts or the monies fraudulently run through those accounts/properties, or any of the individuals involved in the purchase of that house, Wilson,Blewitt & Gillard (who was NOT acting for and on behalf of the AWU), then how could they have demonstrated ANY grounds to be registered as having a pecuniary interest in that title?

        Same with the bank accounts. We are talking about the Proceeds of Crime. The AWU have denied any involvement at all, so where do they justify trying to get their hands on any of the money? NONE of it belonged to them.

        I don’t believe them and it would take the AWU producing documentary evidence of the applications for the caveat and account freezes before I do.

      • Hi Winedge. Actually it was Black Swan who said that but you raise good points. If you’d like to have a closer look, again go to the Cambridge affidavit.

        Ian was joint secretary from appointment but by agreement with the other Joint S, Ian had complete oversight of the financial side until he uncovered the frauds, Sometime after that, from memory about August 1995, the other Joint S went back on his agreement and events started to get “clouded”. The AWU file somehow followed Bernard Murphy to M.B,Ltd and you’ll find the story of who froze and unfroze funds and what made Cambridge claims were allegedy authorised inappropriate payments to certain firms,which subsequently returned the money..If you could summarise the main points it would be good. This is great fun, eh.!? What a team we’re forming!!

  59. Dective Blackswan, your light bulb has truely flashed on. Very perceptive, and you’ve most likely hit the nail square on the head.

    No wonder she and her corrupt MSM fan club hates the blogosphere. It is truely encouraging that there are very good people out here capable to doing the work that the media should have done a long time ago.

    • G’day Mike – Did I say they are ‘dogs’? – make that Rats……..

      “WHEN Julia Gillard blamed “nut jobs and misogynists” for peddling rumours about her past on the internet she left out the rats in her own ranks.


      “Seventeen years on, Gude is still keeping the secret of the Labor figure who brought him the dirt file on Julia Gillard all those years ago.

      It was information he used to publicly air the first allegations against Gillard and union official Bruce Wilson in Victorian Parliament in 1995.

      “It was brought to me by the Labor Party,” Gude confirmed this week.”

      Shorten, Conroy, Roxon and McClelland were all involved one way or another and they’ve ALL been handsomely rewarded for “holding the line”…….. except McClelland. You don’t dump THAT good ole boy without the ship hitting the sand.

      Consider Conroy and the NBN. Wow!! What a honey pot THAT has turned out to be.

      I apologise to any canines I may have offended.

      • Gillard confimed in her ABC Australian Story appearance that her Labor enemies had fed Gude the information. She also gave some very pertinent details about the workings and inner conflicts within the Party. Liberal smear?LOL

  60. Hi I’m back. Ever chewed rubber porridge? Still OK reconstituted with milk ,honey and LSA. added. Enough levity – down to business with just a brief comment. Years ago I was young and naive and had a good opinion of the legal fraternity, honest, full of integrity etc,. It really hampered me when I started to investigate a grave injustice because initially I refused to accept what I was finding, believing no solicitors would act so brazenly and so stupidly as to risk their livelihood and reputations by acting so. As soon as I realised they were crooks the whole sorry mess opened up to me and eventually came to a successful conclusion. What can we draw from this?

    At least two legal firms could be in deep doodoo and have a vested interest in keeping their involvement covered up.

    The AWU and several officers thereof have a similar motive to assist in the coverup.
    Careers, livelihoods and reputations are at risk. That also extends to other Unions.

    Sections of the media. So many have made such outlandish statements and defences of clearly improper and at times criminal behaviour, they have painted themselves into a corner and thus have a vested interest in stifling investigation and preventing the spotlight of truth being shone in some very dark places.

    Others are just politically motivated to assist in the Coverup. I’m personally beyond that and I believe many others here feel the same!

    After another brief skim through posts above, here are just a few examples of IMHO, the way to go.

    Terry Aug 25 @ 4-31 has a terrific post I’ve just noticed on Power of Attorney and other matters very relevant which we can use.

    Black Swan Aug 25 @ 8-42pm: S & G MUST have had a file on the house purchase.!

    Allison Aug.25 @4-31 Covers the conflict of interest angle very well. There are many other examples so could i ask all interested to look through and find similar posts.

    We can then sort out what we need to look at more closely and what can be eliminated.

    Any takers? Meanwhile I’ll collate some answers to what I already have – good hunting!

  61. The fact that JG was interviewed by her partners at S & G in camera is very suspicious in itself. You would think this sort of thing is done to protect the firm !
    It’s about time former partners should provide some tips, off camera, to good investigative journalists . . such as who (actual person) actually removed the caveats on that house . . let rip about which other unions should be ‘looked at’
    It worries me that some Sunday paper jounalists are already climbing aboard the ‘poor Julia, courageous Julia’ train. Obviously to get closer to the PM
    Also getting soft on the Carbon Tax and its effect on the economy
    Only the die hard Labour people wanting to continue getting handouts, or Journo’s wanting to get closer to the PM, could possibly agree with the carbon tax.

    • Slater and Gordon is now a public company (since 2007) and are listed on the ASX – just watch as the share price slide now – who wants to invest in them? Caught between a rock and a hard place with Gillard at the moment.

  62. Ivan. I think there is little doubt that in most jurisdictions in Australia that had a conflict of interest complaint been made on her intimate involvement with an official of one of her major clients alone, it would have placed her at grave risk of beng struck off the Roll. Add to that all the subsequent happenings and I believe there is no doubt there were more than sufficient grounds to have her struck off. Other more serious charges could have followed IF complaints had been laid.

    The legal fraternity has a favourite trick it often uses ,allegedly to protect the “good name” of the firm or the “standing and reputation” of the profession. Where a complaint has been made, fully investigated and proved, the solicitor is given a choice. Resign or face the consequences.

    If the resignation option is accepted, or in the case of a Law Society matter “voluntary” removal from the Roll, it often comes with the guarantee of the investigating body that “no finding of fact” will be made against the solicitor nor the matter pursued further.

    Thus do many crimes go unpunished and are rarely heard of then or later!

  63. The muck is getting thicker ……….

    “The self-confessed union bagman Ralph Blewitt – the legal owner of a terrace house in Fitzroy allegedly purchased using misappropriated Australian Workers Union funds – has claimed that he never knew he had a housing loan for the property.

    Mr Blewitt, speaking through the retired Melbourne lawyer Harry Nowicki, said he had never applied for the loan or supplied any income details or asset and liability statements..


    So who signed up for the mortgage furnished by S&G?

    Ralph doesn’t deny knowledge of his name being on the title, just that he didn’t know a mortgage was raised in his name to part-pay for it. Was Ralph under the assumption that when Wilson and his girlfriend lawyer went off to choose the house that it would be purchased in full using the dodgy Association’s accounts?

    Gee whiz, did good ole Bruce con his mate too? Seems there really IS no honour among thieves.

    • Bl Sw. Cambridge and others say Wilson acted under Power of Attorney for Blewitt. Now i wonder who would have set up and registered that Power of Attorney. Should be some Government or Department records of it somewhere. Another big “dig here” moment. Fantastic work! You know, one of my favourite statements in history was made by Japanese Admiral Yamamoto after the Dec.7th Pearl Harbour attack on the USA. He had hoped to catch the US Aircraft Carrier Fleet in port but they were thankfully and fortunately at sea. He said he had hoped to crush the American Fleet but “I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve”.

      I think Gillard has awakened a lot of sleeping “misogynist nut job” giants amongst the decent people of Australia and filled us with a terrible resolve!!

      • Wow! … that’s some Power of Attorney isn’t it?

        Not only does it give a prospective tenant the power to buy a house for his landlord, it lets him sign the long-suffering and unknowing landlord up for a hefty mortgage too.

        Slater & Gordon eh? A worthy law firm to be listed on the ASX.

        Who on earth devised and executed such a power of attorney? Who organised a substantial mortgage on the basis of that PoA for a man who was never present during ANY of these transactions?

        S&G have records for ALL of this. It’s about time they put their damage-control machine on turbo boost and came clean, even if it’s only to salvage a modicum of credibility with investors on the ASX, let alone any unsuspecting prospective clients.

      • That is exactly what she has achieved hillbilly33. But it’s not only her that has stocked our fire, the MSM are doing a pretty job too.

        Have a look at the Peter van Onselen article today ‘no smoking gun for Gillard accusers’. His articule is extraordinarily misleading, inherrintly corrupt, and is an insult to the intelligence of all Australians. I wonder what spin he’ll go with on the NT election?

        I’m a little bit of a masochist, and because I like to be informed about anyone who has a desire to become PM, I do read some of Paul Howes articles – well I think they are his? Has anyone read his ‘year 8’ essay on infrastructure this weekend. Hardly a focus on the subject of infrastructure, just more or less bagging out Tony Abbott and dreaming about Paul Keating – the last Labor leader of substance.


    • …… especially if you dump your girlfriend (who is no longer of any use to you) and go back to the Missus using all this stolen money to buy a nice up-market marital home as a gesture of your mended ways …. Gimme a break!

      “Mr Wilson, the former Australian Workers Union organiser, quit the union after the scams were discovered in 1995. That is when Ms Gillard said she dumped him. A couple of months later, however, land title documents show he bought a house with his then wife Francine in the well-to-do Perth suburb of Karrinyup.


      Jeez, ain’t life tough? The girlfriend is cut loose, loses her job, her entire legal career (who’d employ her except a Labor politician?) and poor old Ralph is left to pay out a mortgage he didn’t even know he had.

      Only problem with this comic opera is that nobody is laughing.

  64. Wow – the Sydney Morning Herald really has wakened out its slumber:

    Mr Nowicki began researching the AWU for a book. When he discovered a lot more information about Mr Wilson’s time as an AWU organiser and the alleged scam of taking money from construction companies, he asked Mr Thomas to help him dig a bit deeper. ”I couldn’t believe it when I saw what Harry had unearthed,” Mr Thomas said.


    • Colin, from your link ….

      ”I assisted Bob Kernohan, a friend of mine who was Mr Wilson’s opponent, along with Bill Shorten, who also assisted Mr Kernohan as his close friend,” he said. ”Wilson at the time was being accused of extravagant spending. There was a very strong feeling about getting him out.”

      Call me a cynic, but this smacks of the Union Boyz finding one of their number is about to blow their modus operandi by being a big-spending, louth-mouthed git and on the verge of ruining it for all of them. And so he did – for a while – until it was all successfully hushed-up, appropriate noises of ‘outrage’ made and the blow-hard banished from their midst, leaving the rest of them to carry on “business as usual”; ie, Williamson, Thomson et al.

      I consider my scepticism justified by the very fact that none of these so-called legal actions ever proceeded because the union movement declined to pursue them – it all just faded into the background. Until now.

  65. Gee Colin, it looks like a few journalists are starting to grow a good healthy set of those dangly bits! To the other volunteer members of the Kangaroo Court Investigative Team, the more you keep those links coming the sooner we can put it all together!
    Go Go Go. Some of you may even finish up being asked to join Julia’s “jounalistic elite of the country” in the Canberra Press Gallery!! Sorry – only joking! Wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. If I didn’t have any before I’ll bet I’ve got some now!

    • HB, you and me both. My interest in this issue and Shane’s Kanga Court in particular, is the exposure of the grubby corruption of this entire Labor/Union/Green edifice that is systematically destroying our country.

      This Cabal of Fabian/Socialist/Marxists’ focus is wealth re-distribution and de-industrialisation of this nation. Keating, Gillard & Hawke (her “role model”) are all declared Fabians, so-called because they see their power and control as a war of attrition against the rest of us whom they deem too gullible, greedy and witless to know what is really good for us.

      Enter the Marxist Nanny State wherein every facet of our daily lives is subject to some degree of control and subject to the 18,000 items of government regulation introduced since KRudd, that harmless little Milky Bar Kid, won the 2007 election and opened the door for the rest of the reptiles to begin squabbling amongst themselves for a bigger share of the spoils of this war against our freedom.

      Shane nailed it when he identified corruption in our Judiciary is the greatest threat to us – it is.

      We’ve all been asleep at the wheel for too long – it’s time we awakened from our slumbers.

      • Blackswan, their agenda is well and truely in the process of falling apart. And you, amongst others on Shane’s blog are having an impact on that inevitable process. Keep stoking the fire.

  66. Apologies Shane. I keep forgetting you’ve already done such a lot of work on this and have it fully documented. Can I blame my advanced age? I’ll go back to all your links first for answers to questions I still have. Are there any gaps perhaps that we may be able to help you fill in?

    i know I keep thanking you but it’s genuine and I think all other posters here would endorse my thanks. It’s been great today being part of such a free-running intelligent non-abusive. exchange of thoughts , links and information and we should all remember, if we’re not vigilant, those who fear exposure to the truth will take that freedom away from us. Cheers H/B

  67. Well said Black Swan. I’ve just been re-reading some of Shane’s posts and if any journo has visited this site, they cannot claim ignorance of any event in this despicable fraud. He’s done all the investigative work for them complete with links! Shame on the whole corrupt bunch of them. I’ve also just re-read the Cambridge affidavit and my admiration for that man grows. It is clear he did everything humanly possible, first to try and have the AWU clean up its own act and running into the brick wall of coverup , obstruction and attempted intimidation everywhere he turned. Finally in desperation, and he must agonised over this decision for many days, he felt forced to call for a Royal Commission or Judicial Inquiry into his own Union.

    How the following was swept under the carpet is almost beyond comprehension!

    Cambridge obtained the Slater & Gordon Trust Ledger A/c in relation to the 85 Kerr St. Transaction. (Yes, posters here were right, there must have been a file created)!

    from para 18.2 of the affidavit:

    “It appears that at least $92,722-30 of funds paid to the Union by Thiess (and paid to Thiess by the Western Australia State Government) and deposited in A/c’s (A) & (B) by Wilson and Blewitt, were used to purchase the residential property at 85 Kerr St., Fitzroy in the name of Ralph Blewitt. Wilson acted as the attorney of Blewitt in this transaction and co-signed all cheques.”

    Cambridge goes on to highlight no authorisation by the AWU nor any AWU interest registered on the Mortgage etc., etc.,

    The same goes for the a/c’s which he said amongst other things “have been used to hold and/or ‘launder’ funds as a step in the conversion of those funds to unauthorised use, invalid, irregular and possible illegal uses.” Mind- boggling unpunished covered up corruption.

    • Billy, I think there are unusual things to consider, 1 is the caveat, the definition of, and the power of, and 2, the same considerations in regards to power of attorney.
      I’m going to post again, but I’ll stick to this link,(Page). Maybe pie in the sky, but whatever, keep thinking.

      • Still working Terry and have been through all the posts again. Thanks to little snippets from many of the good people here it’s all clicking into place. Will post some time tomorrow. but don’t want to pre-empt anything till I’ve checked, double checked and got it all down pat. All in all a very productive day. Thanks so much for your support. H/B

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