Channel 7

KCA Crowdfunding campaign to institute criminal proceedings against corrupt media mogul Kerry Stokes

I will be instituting criminal proceedings against businessman Kerry Stokes, and probably his son Ryan Stokes, in the next few weeks and I am running a crowdfunding campaign to help fund it. I have set a target of $3000 which will be enough for the initial filing fees and expenses.

I know the process as I recently instituted criminal contempt proceedings against Capilano Honey, CEO Ben McKee and their lawyers which includes barristers Sandy Dawson SC and Monique Cowden and lawyers Richard Keegan, Martin O’Connor and Alexander Latu. (Click here to read more)

For too long the likes of Kerry Stokes and his son Ryan Stokes have abused the law and it is time to hold them to account. By fighting them in court we’ll be fighting on their turf as they have deep pockets and the lawyers and judges in their hip pockets, but they can be beaten. For example, I won a unanimous judgment in the NSW Supreme Court – Court of Appeal in October 2018 where wide-ranging suppression orders and non-publication orders were lifted. It was a big win for free speech and the judges said the suppression orders had “an unjustifiable chilling effect on free speech”. (Click here to read more)

I won’t be laying out all the details here as that will just forewarn them but as soon as I institute the criminal proceedings I will publish an article.

This battle will set a precedent for others to learn from so they can take on the banks and other corrupt corporations that are currently immune from the laws that everyone else have to abide by. Some things will be done well and other things we’ll just have to learn from and roll with the punches.

I have been in a battle with Kerry Stokes since 2014 when he took out a Super-Injunction against me and sued me for defamation in a matter called Munsie v Dowling. It is a stock-standard Slapp Lawsuit where they have no real case so they drag out the matter for years to wear the other party down. Since then Stokes has instituted 3 other matters which are Jane Doe & Ors v Shane Dowling and Seven Network & Seven West Media v Shane Dowling and the Capilano Honey v Shane Dowling matter. None of them have been finalised and Stokes is playing the go-slow routine with all of them.

Capilano Honey are also using Kerry Stokes’ lawyers as he owns about 25% of Capilano Honey and Stokes is overseeing Capilano’s legal action against me.

Stokes has charged me with contempt 3 times in the matters even though he is the one abusing the law. Stokes has committed a long list of crimes by abusing the legal system and running his SLAPP Lawsuits and there are numerous options to institute criminal proceedings against him.

At this point I have not set-up a page on a crowdfunding website and will try to raise the funds as per the below details.

The $3000 will go to filing fees and other costs such as printing and stationary etc. Any extra or unused funds raised will be used in the other court matters involving Kerry Stokes and Capilano Honey as per above. I would like to be in a position to institute the criminal proceedings against Kerry Stokes ASAP so please read below and support.

You can donate via PayPal, direct bank transfer or mail a cheque.

To donate via PayPal please click on the icon below:

Or to donate via direct Bank transfer:

National Australia Bank

Account Name: Shane Dowling

BSB: 084-255  Account Number No: 69-373-7290

Or you can send a cheque made payable to Shane Dowling to:

Shane Dowling – Po Box 7700 – Bondi Beach NSW 2026

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Thank you for your support.

3 replies »

  1. Good on Shane! Crowd funding is the way to go.
    There will be a donation on the way this week…!
    Wishing you all the best.

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