Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Scott Morrison’s fall girl and Senator for Sports Rorts Bridget McKenzie uses defamation threat to try and cover-up their corruption

Federal Senator Bridget McKenzie, who ran the $100 million Sports Rorts scandal on the instructions of Prime Minister Scott Morrison, has threatened defamation proceedings in an attempt to bully and intimidate another Senator from telling the truth about the Sports Rorts scandal as the below video shows. The theft of taxpayers’ money to buy votes for the Liberals and Nationals has also reached new heights with federal MP Peter Dutton also exposed for rorting $millions of taxpayers’ money adding to the total of $billions of pork-barrelling already exposed in the last couple of years.

Then can be no doubt that Scott Morrison directed the Sports Rorts scandal as I wrote in January last year in an article titled “Circumstantial evidence that Scott Morrison directed the $100 million Sports Rorts fraud is being ignored by the media” which started off: 

Scott Morrison was sacked as CEO of Tourism Australia by the John Howard Liberal Party Government in 2006 for major financial fraud valued at $184 million which was almost identical to the current $100 million Sport Rorts fraud scandal. Both matters centre around abusing government processes and procedures to get money from the government. At Tourism Australia the tender process was abused and with Sports Rorts the process of allocating government grants was abused. (Click here to read more

And in May 2020 more emails came to light which showed Scott Morrison had lied to parliament about the Sports Rorts scandal “The prime minister’s office asked Bridget McKenzie to seek Scott Morrison’s “authority” for intended recipients of $100m of sports grants and coordinate the announcement with Coalition campaign headquarters, according to new evidence to the sports rorts inquiry.” (Click here to read more)

But Senator McKenzie is holding firm and is continuing to lie about Sports Rorts trying to protect Scott Morrison.

The whole country knows what a fraudster and thief Senator Bridget McKenzie is and on Friday (12/2/21) at the senate inquiry into the Sports Rorts scandal, she tried the defamation threat routine in parliament demanding Senator Janet Rice accuse her of rorting outside the protection of parliament which is in effect a threat to sue for defamation is she says it outside parliament. Senator Janet Rice stood her ground which was good to see as per the below video.

The chances of Senator Bridget McKenzie suing anyone over the Sports Rorts scandal would be a big fat zero as she would not only lose but she would put the spotlight on Prime Minister Scott Morrison who ran the Sports Rorts fraud from his office. Bridget McKenzie would have been coached by Scott Morrison’s team of spin doctors and the defamation threat was likely their idea.

Financial journalist Michael Pascoe reports the federal government’s Community Development Grants is a $3 billion slush fund for pork-barrelling:

#Sportsrorts was the most egregious of the Morrison government’s grant frauds and the $3 billion Community Development Grants are by far the largest and most blatantly corrupt, but they are by no means the only pork barrels rolling through key electorates.

Regional seats in general and Queensland electorates in particular are being fed a steady diet of federal largesse for everything from parks and gardens to funding “Messy Play Days” at toy libraries. (Really – $19,935 for seven Messy Play Days, the stuff of ministerial press releases.

And now the potential political influence of federal handouts is being turbo-charged under the headline of COVID stimulus projects. (Click here to read more)

The Liberal Party and National Party at the federal and state levels have been trying to justify the widespread pork-barrelling of taxpayers’ money to buy votes for themselves with the Liberals NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian being one of the worst offenders. The NSW parliament is currently running an inquiry where there is evidence that the NSW government and the federal government even ripped off fire victims money that should have been used to help them:

“A parliamentary inquiry into the NSW government’s council grants scandal will be expanded to scrutinise new allegations of pork barrelling over a $177 million state and federal bushfire relief fund, of which the majority was allocated to Coalition-held electorates.” (Click here to read more) It takes extremely low people to rip of bush fire victims who are still struggling more than a year after the fires.

It should be no surprise that federal MP Peter Dutton has also been involved in pork-barrelling government funds to buy votes as he was exposed in October last year covering up a $39 million fraud and theft at the Australian Border Force. (Click here to read more) The new allegations against Peter Dutton are that he rejected his department’s advice when he slashed funding from some community applications and diverted it to projects on his own handpicked list. (Click here to read more

It seems there is no one in the federal government or NSW state government who isn’t up to their necks in the pork-barrelling fraud scams to buy votes while many needy communities and people miss out.

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8 replies »

  1. We need great many more people like Janet Rice in politics, or Australia will continue its downward spiral towards a banana republic.

  2. You have to feel for the Labor Party. Lose the next election and the pork-barrelling will continue. Win the next election(s) and they are faced with a huge mountain of debt that the Coalies have run up.

  3. A few $million rorted there, a few more $million rorted in other places, a few $billion for a submarine, more $billions for a fleet of war planes.
    Fruit pickers needed to help farmers, jobs that local unemployed people are not willing to do, more $millions being rorted for ‘Jobseeker’ and other welfare rorts.
    Treasury is forecasting Australia’s net debt position will be $703.2 billion for 2020-2, but the IMF’s Group of Ten UK, European countries and the USA also have a ‘debt’ and since the reliance on ‘gold reserves’ was abandoned many years ago a ‘debt’ does not appear to exist, and if it does, who owes what to whom.
    At the current rate of rorting, and government spending including ‘handouts’ the answer must be, Print More Money to satisfy the obnoxious large salaries, pensions and other rorts /expenses received by politicians.
    How many politicians have ‘growing annual debts’?

    • How many past pollies receive huge pensions which add to the nation’s crippling debt? I suggest that the pollies receive the pension for a limited period of five years.

  4. I would have really laid into the Sports Rort Fall Girl and left her in no doubt “she was a servant of the people.”

  5. I have read that Senator McKenzie claims she signed off on the allocations, put them in her “out” tray and left the office. Thereafter those allocations were altered and allocations were made based upon those alterations. She has no idea who made the alterations but insists that it must have been somebody in her office.

    The definition of a rort is “a fraudulent or dishonest act or practice”. I think the above fits that definition without doubt.

    Janet Rice was correct in describing it as a rort.

  6. Alleged rapist would’ve been working in her office during Sports Rorts. My he’s in deep. Any wonder they’ve very conveniently cleaned his Net/SM history.
    Brandis, McKenzie, Hawke, Reynolds…he flys high but didn’t stay very long in any of these jobs…

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